Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday January 30 Happy wife happy life posting

Already this morning while at the clinic my mom called me to let me know everybody is doing fine.
I mentioned to her that Lapo was a bit low as he had a cold. She confirmed that  her cold is doing better. Simona confirmed that she took Lapo to the doctor and he is doing fine. She came back from S.Francisco and as soon she came home she took Lapo to be checked.

Yesterday before going to the 24 fitness gym I had a good dinner.
Staffed pepper with a side of spinach and tomatoes.

A good balance of protein, fiber and vitamin.

At the gym I danced Zumba with Mike and I met as usual  two good acquaintances of mine: Tigi on the right hand side and Dee on the Left hand side. I am using the words acquaintances as  mentioning the words friends is a bit overstating the situation.

They were gracious enough to stand there while I took a picture of them. And In fact I am taking picture of my day to fill this memory book the next day. I will not be disturbing them any longer.

At the gym I went with Diego Rivera also knows as Diego Or...s and with Ed. Another patient of CNS.  While on the car Ed  spent a bunch of time at the phone talking about his trust and his money and connecting people among themselves to make sure his own business and affair were well taken care of.

After the gym I was chauffeured back at the apartment first. Then I checked in with Taylor and wished her a good night. I started my standard procedure of shut  down: shower, a little byte and then my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazone all my pills to make me sleep and to treat my depression and different syndromes..

As they say here at CNS Happy Wife happy life.. OK it is understood trusting my wife who has been close to me for all this years is the minimum that I can do at this time.

After taking the cocktail of pills  I went to bed and slept really well.

This morning I wake up early as usual I can't sleep past a certain time. It is my brain that wakes up.
I greeted Brian at the reception and wished him a good day.

I had time to have a good breakfast, listening to NPR and thinking about my family

The big jar of honey is something I have got the last time we went to S.Barbara to see my doctor. 
It is a really good a pure honey and I am sure the supply will last me for a little bit of time.. at least until the next visit!!

this is me this morning together with my family.

I snapped this picture of my family.. 
It is always the first thoughts that come to my mind in the morning...
It comes back at lunch when I am calling home as Lapo is at home for lunch.

You see thinking about somebody is like mediation.. you do your best and when the thought start to fade away. you accept the action catch the thought and bring it back to where it belongs.
And in fact acceptance of the mind wondering around  comes by acting to bring it back to its original thought.
This is called also be Mindful of your own brain.
This is me waiting for the bus at AAC this morning.

While reading my book

I found this passage about Neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is a concept developed in Neuroscience to describe the capability of the brain to  change in response to the environment stimuli. It describes the brain as being a dynamic organ that constantly changes in response to the many stimuli of the environment.

these are the synapses of the brain.

Enjoy the reading ..
Thank you Amore mio

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29 post lunch posting

I have called home to check on Lapo doing. Anna mentioned that he had a good time and that he is going trough his cold and cough.
Anna has prepared him for lunch some chicken broth and a light pasta soup.
I am sure Lapo is going to be himself very soon. This is just a seasonal flu.

For lunch I had orecchiette pasta with broccoli and staffed peppers.
I eat outside by myself as I like doing it. I do not mind eating by myself it allows me to focus on my day and to make some good exercises of meditation so much useful to stay tuned in the moment.

Mediation is such a great tools for the mind and once you get addicted to it  you will look for every moment to take advantage and for being mindful or tuned in your own mind into your strengths.

After lunch I greeted Isabelle. I met Steve, he  his is Hellen's husband and Victoria's father.  Hellen is the director of the clinic at CNS. She is  s very nice person.  I also saw Sophia the other person manning the switch board here at the Enrichment

It is all good..
Overall we are good. Simona is working hard.. as usual I found her line without any response.. I don't mind it I am used to this aspect.. it is life after all my duty is to formally place the call and to talk to an answering machine.. 

I am not complaining I would be surprise if it were otherwise.

So let's carry on without persevering on it.

Look what I am doing by myself!!

I like it that way being left alone with my self. Don't you love being the same?

As mentioned to you many time my real life starts outside CNS at the gym and in the outing where I can do things by myself.. Independence is what I am seeking.
After all I am good in being Independent.. within the current limitation that is 
1) asking permission to my wife
2) asking for needed supply to my wife
3) asking for items rather than asking for affection
It is all AD MEMENTUM which translate for a distance memory... it is clearly many years distant and you know is going to be such as I like it that way.

Going back to the Adult Enrichment   Center title (AEC) I believe this is a place to be parked upon while we all get a bit of is basically a parking place for people that have nothing more to do in life. It allows for me freedom of doing what I like and freedom of doing whatever I like most...
Breathing in Breathing out, blogging and reading.
Speaking of reading let me go and read my book a bit..

Thurdsday January 29 2015 Happy Birthday Tami

Today's it it Tami's birthday. I have brought her a card that Simona gave to me some time ago.
I believe she is happy for the thoughtful idea of my family.

This morning I had a really healthy breakfast and I have started my new jar of honey.
It is a delicious golden honey we have purchased on our way back from S.Barbara.

Of course I had a good dose of blueberry, milk and High Fiber Cereal from Trader Joe's.

A cup of coffee was also completing the whole picture.. picture perfect indeed.

Yesterday evening it was at the 24 fitness gym as usual and I did cycle with Angie here pictured at my left hand side.

Diego Rivera did an excellent job in providing my coverage while at the gym, he was really helpful and mindful of my needs. I really appreciate his good care and understanding.
At the gym I met the Bakersfield  people I am acquainted with. They are familiar with me and with my capabilities. Hence they all appreciate my effort of being there wit them.

Before going to the gym  I  booked the movie outing for this Saturday in the evening. 
I am planning to see this movie. NPR radio mentioned that it is one of the most acclaimed movie of the year and it is on course for nominations on the Academy Award.For the last  couple of time I have found the movie America Sniper to be sold out. Well if this weekend is still sold out I will find something else and let it go.  I am practicing mindfulness and  mediation in every step I am taking in life. Material items and events are transient in this world. What it is really important are the people that surround us.

I have started distributing the Merry Xmas  card I have received from Italy. It is kind of late in the game,, but they were sent to me in California and supposed to be  on time for Xmas. Yet they have arrived with about a month delay.. 

Oh well it will be for the next year. Sorry but I don't feel accountable for it.

Today the activity coordinator Sarah mentioned that I will be going on a sky trip this Upcoming March 18 ad March 19. It is at the same place as last year. I believe last year we went to Big Bear.
I need to go organized mostly I need to make sure my pans are OK,as last year they were tight.
I think I will let Simona know about my need.  Sarah mentioned this year I will be having my own room. Thank you Sarah.

I have asked Simona my wife to send me some light plastic pans to be used on the top of the jeans I am planning to wear for skiing.  I believe the plastic pants set is  a good trade-off for skiing rather than purchasing a more expensive  attire.  I am looking for the less expensive option available.

Already enjoy the reading as I have been enjoyed my writing to you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28 post yoga work

Well we did Yoga by doing a lot of wonderful moves, the audience was enthusiastic..the participation has been great as usual.
We sat in circle so that we could stare at each other and hence enjoy the view of the participating audience.

I have to say my life start outside the CNS.. over there I am leaving among the full person of Bakersfield. Over here there are only half worth people.,.. like me I am not even worthy of  a words from the cognitive people, not even worth of having a decent treatment.. hence I feel I am treated like the minus habens I have become at CNS..

Just in case you are rusty in Latin I have added the link to the words.

I am sure Latin is not your forte and  I am even sure that a classical education is neither your forte.. you showed me over and over that you don't have the skills nor the interest in becoming educated person.
After all if you were educated  you would not be doing the current job.. you would not be speaking about food all the time you would not paying attention to such minutiae of life...

You would came to the table to have a discussion about what matters to me..
You would be able to come to the table and discuss about my detention at CNS.. about my driving and about how long I have to be a prisoner of CNS and as well how long you will keep logging me as 321..
As apparently this is all it matters to you 321 is tagged on everything..


I GOT IMPRISONMENT BECAUSE OF A NO FAULT OF MINE.. you have been roughing me among the best population of CNS.. among the most fine examples of people --- actually they use to be people.. now they are simply worried about their stomach..


Please show me that it is time for me to get the HELL out of this place..

Wednesday January 28

Today I called home, and found Anna and our little son Lapo. He is hill so he had no energy today. It is the cough for the season. I heard Lapo weak and subdued.

Anna told me that as soon as Simona lands today she is going to meet them at the doctor to make sure that Lapo is well taken care off.

Yesterday I have been cooking my favorite recipe: staffed peppers. With the left over of the staffing I have been preparing a small side dish.

After cooking I have been going to the gym to do bootcamp with Johnny and as I had time I did Zumba with Mike.

Over there I met Jamie, Debbie and all the persons I am acquainted with.

It is Yoga time.
Need to go.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27

Yesterday evening I went to Trader Joe's .. it is a bit odd going there on a Monday evening as I was away for the weekend. Hence I had the chance of doing it on the evening. Kyle was so gracious to take me over there.
As I was late I just said hi to Jamie as she was leaving for the day. Anyway Lisa was still there .. she mentioned that her grandson is doing great. As usual she called me  "Sweaty"

We laughed about her calling me sweaty. I mentioned that my wife  Simona normally calls me Amore mio (my love)  but she uses my full name -Giuseppe- whenever I am in trouble with her.

Hence I can immediately gather her pulse by the first instant of our conversation.

At the store I did my usual routine, got  raffle stickers for the reusable bags that I have taken at the store and got stickers for the kids.
They are now dangling at the board of my apartment.

My final bill was $84.84 .. I think it was a good experience for me being back over there.
I have tried another store (Winco) but at the end I am back at Trader Joe's. 
It is a matter for me of Personal relationship with the people over there.

Today I had a good therapy here at the center.
We did a cooking group where we have organized a cooking recipe and a plan to get the supply.
Afterward  I did  Mediation with Matt. This time mediation went smoothly without other accident.
Matt  gave me a new book to read. I am going to read it all. This is the picture of my new book.

I have already almost finished my other book called "10% happier". I am very interested reading about this topic.

According to this book  many people use mediation in their daily life.
I am applying what I am reading on what I am doing, day after day...
Matt appreciates my efforts and he always shows a lot of courtesy and grace for me.

I had a very good lunch today within the premises of CNS.. among my friends.
I feel it is good to socialize and to meddle with the people here at CNS.

It took me a few days to make the adjustment but I made the step.
This is my lunch: summer squash rice, chicken legs. Russel potatoes seasoned with Rosemary.

A staffed portobello mushroom.. everything home made.To cook you need time, passion above all and fantasy. Also it helps a lot having somebody to ask to. And Anna is always available to provide me some good tips. Hence thank you Anna.

I feel that for lunch there are different options available. I still drink my coffee outside so that I can have a break. and feel the weather. Today the air is fine.. not too cold.

After lunch I called back home and found Lapo our youngest at home with Anna my mother in law.

Lapo was eating pasta with thread (filetto). Since  Anna has arrived at home our kids are eating really well. Anna in fact is a highly skilled person in the kitchen. She has the drive, the passion and the strength.

In addition she has two young grand son to feed. Both Chicco and Lapo are growing strong and very active and therefore they are consuming a lot of good food.

Hence it is a blessing that Anna will stay around with us  for another couple of months , i.e. until the mid of March. The way I remember it is by knowing that she is going to stay until the Ides of March.

In this way Simona my wife is capable of travelling for her job.
Right now she is in College Station near Austin,Texas for giving a seminar over there.
While on a trip she told me not to call her as she is busy.. hence I am complying.
The principle is No News Good News..

Enjoy the reading

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday January 26

I was at home for the weekend as we celebrated all together Simona's birthday.

I have brought back to our kids a nice letter: I normally write to them In English and Block letter.
A good and positive letter. To the both of them .. always to Chicco and Lapo.


The key message is We All Stand behind you two as you are our future..

Most of the time I am making a simple and nice drawing to Lapo as well. This is the way I like it.

I had an intense weekend overall, very pleasant and fulfilling.

Lapo our youngest  went to play Tennis, he has started tennis following  the example of  his eldest brother  Chicco.
Clearly having a bigger brother that leads the way is very important in life.

With Simona we went to Whole Foods Supermarket in Pasadena  as Simona had ordered a cake for her birthday.
Over there I had the chance of eating one of my favorite food: Sushi.
Here I am ready to get to work!

Simona was concerned weather I had enough Sushi for the  day. 

Well as it is well known this is simply fish and does not affect much your calories intake for the day.
I had a wonderful soup of Tofu as well. With the Sushi I had  grilled Salmon on a bed of Basmati rice.
For the time being I am set for Sushi.. until the next time..
At home our kids had time to relax  while they  watched the Lego Movie.
Chicco was not feeling that well so he stayed indoor.
 Chicco is the kiddo waving a red Ninjia sword,
While Lapo is the younger kid in the foreground.

When they are dressed alike they really look like twins...

This is Lapo again.

Afterward the kiddos started playing Monopoli.

We had dinner at home 

We celebrated   Simona's birthday

At home Stefano, Jane and their kids came. As well Raffaella, Bob and their son Luca joined the gathering  as well.

Raffaella and Simona are good  friends since their time at UCLA when  they were both doing their graduate studies.

Raffaella is from Rome like Simona so this has been cementing their friendship.
Raffaella husband is Bob and he is a professor at Caltech. Lapo is very found of Bob. Lapo calls Bob The builder as Bob is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Caltech and a lot of time has been helping out the family with little tricks.
The kids had some more playing around.

Lapo ( the red shirt one) mentioned that Chicco ( the blue shirt one) is doing an amazing job.
He was very pleased with Chicco' s help and his older brother help.

As Chicco wasn't feeling 100% Lapo was concerned about his own Temperature. So while eating a pop tart he wanted to check its own temperature. Afterward he felt he was OK.

I was mentioning to Lapo the he should eat first and then measure his temperature. Lapo appeared puzzled by the notion of doing once after the other.. :)

In the morning we  went to have a coffee at Intelligentsia coffee in Pasadena

Lapo did his own playing around, splashing with his hot cocoa and making sure that the table had something as well.. so he had a good time.
As CNS gave me money for the outing I had offered the breakfast to our kiddos.

As we were outside the house we stop by Barnes and Noble.
Over there the kiddos indicated their preference to Simona.. 
Lapo was playing with some books. Lapo has started reading some complex worlds. He is doing a good job trying to get his brain reading.

Chicco indicated he wanted to have some more construction blocks.

I snapped a picture of a  book that I have found very much amusing.
Forgive me Simona and Anna as I am rather the one who needs babysitting.. It is a simple joke dedicated to me..

The fact is that Anna -Simona's mom- came from Italy to take care of our family.
I think it is a reverse situation to be in.. 
Anna is a very independent person and she is making her best while she is staying with us here in US.
Anna is going to be with us until the beginning of March.

And in fact Simona today flew to  Texas AMN University for giving a seminar.
In her work at Caltech is key that she travels around and she let the academia know about her research work. By meeting with different professionals and different universities  the process of cross pollination and flow of ideas happens in this way.
Hence it is key for Simona's work going around the academia world. She is going to stay in Texas until Wednesday January the 28th. 

Anna gave me some stock cubes so that I can use it when I am cooking.
Anna mentioned that I should start by using a little bit as it is very tasty.
I will use it in my next culinary creation.

The stock cubes I was given are very healthy, as they have been purchased here locally at the Italian shop.
It does not contain any bad staff.

I was back in Bakersfield on Time for church. As usual going to church is very inspirational and a source of strength for me as it make me fell well.

As I am reading a book (10% happier) I have found this quote I would like to share:

Acceptance is not passivity. sometimes we are justifiably displeased. What mindfulness does is create some space in your head so you can, as the Buddhists say, "respond" rather than simply " react".
The only thing you can control is how you handle it.
Bingo: respond not react.

Enjoy the reading..

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday January 23 after lunch posting

I went for lunch at Sizzler with Matt.
Sizzler is a good restaurant just outside the old clinic.

I had a good lunch. we had lunch  at the salad bar. Very healthy food and excellent service.
Oscar attended our table and made sure we had a good time over there.

He brought us a plate of  shrimps.. I am sure Matt had to do something with it.

This is me after my lunch at the restaurant. It is good to get out once in a while in the community. 

 Matt is a good person to talk to and I have enjoyed very much his company. 

He is a person that I admire. I share with him the same understanding of the practice of Mediation.
Hence we briefly talked about this aspect.
He mentioned that his job is behaviour analyst. He  was thanking me for the other day when I took the lead for the mediation group. A nice and positive experience..
As mentioned before  I am reading this book :

It explains the benefits and advantage of doing meditation. I heard of it on NPR radio and asked Simona my wife for a copy. Hence I am going trough it page after page.

After lunch I came to the center and carefully cleaned my teeth: brushed, flossed and mouth washed. As usual I had coffee afterward....
This is my routine.. anyway. The coffee I am drinking  has no sugar on it, hence it is alright.. no sugar deposited again on my teeth.

I have just called home and found Lapo our youngest son. He is at home as he comes home from Kindergarten to eat. 
At home we have Anna my mother in law who is making sure that our two  kiddos are taken care.
Lapo told me he had broccoli pasta with Italian sausage.
He is definitely eating healthy since Anna my mother in law is at home with us. As mentioned before Anna is going to stay with us until the ides of March.

Well it is a good way to conclude my week.

My mom send me an email from Italy. She mentioned that her birthday went well. She had good food back home.
She has also attended a conference about the solar system . She is reflecting about the reality of our cosmos about the significance of the infinite distance as compared to the smallest dimension on earth.
My mom is always eager to learn interesting notions about our life.
After the conference she attended a small gathering of people.

My wife today is clearly busy as I had no chance of getting in touch with her.
She is always running around with something as she has a lot to do on her plate.
It is alright, as they say no news good news..
It is understood, she is going to keep track of me by reading my blog or/and by email..

Well enjoy the reading..

Friday January 23

CNS must have trough a lot of money out of the window..
Among the waste is a bunch of sign like this..
Because it is to remember that we are all handicapped around here.
Hence it is good to have repetition and reinforcement of the same idea.

I started my day with a good perspective of the day... don't you think? 

Yesterday I have been preparing Risotto alle zucchine..  This is a fine recipe  for making rice with Summer squash

The recipes is from Anna, Simona's mom.
It consists of chopped Zucchini with Basmati rice. 
I have also added butter and Parmesan cheese to make it richer and creamier.
I cut the summer  squash about an inch long  to make it stand the cooking time. I cooked it with sweet onion. O  It is really good and simple to make.

Afterward I went to the gym.
Of course I had again another  fine example of a poor service by CNS in the person of Diego Rivera. By the way has he completed high school yet? Apparently he is fresh out of his latest job   at McDonald..  I guess for being a care giver you don't need to have much of any qualification.

Going back to your service man he was late and then he took me for a ride around Bakersfield as Ed was coming as well with us.

Hence dear CNS and dear DIEGO O_ _ IS  try to make sure that when you provide a service it is worth of its  name.. I  used to provide my customers a good service and also I was open to listening to their feedback. As CNS is supposed to be listening as well  please Renee make sure to have somebody else providing the service either make sure I am going by myself without other patients of yours as I  like to work alone and not to be bagged by any body.

Message received Renee, message received CNS guys? Let's see.. As a courtesy to my self tonight  I am going to the movie.. Hence dear CNS you will be spared a bit of time.

Switching topics - let's not perseverate anymore on it. ( as they say the stimulus is gone)

this morning I had a good breakfast.. Alone and by usual I do not mind as they say: I am eating don't bug me. And only Diana the sup came to check on me and on my medication. 

This morning I had a headache so I had a couple of Tylenol pills to get through it.
It is the impact of all the current population of the CNS that make me feel dizzy and sick to my head and to my stomach.

At AAC  I have to give a thanks to Tami and to all the staff that makes sure to make me feel OK
My real life starts outside CNS.. as you know it has always been that way..
As they say in  Romeo and Juliet  (it is a tragedy from Shakespeare ) : 

There is no world for me outside the walls of Verona, except purgatory, torture, and hell itself. So to be banished from Verona is like being banished from the world, and being banished from the world is death.

I suppose all of this concept is a bit foreign to you all.

You see I am originally from Verona, Italy

The same worlds do apply for La Canada, where my own house is located. 

La Canada is an affluent community at the foothill of the San Gabriel Mountain.

Lunch time

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Post lunch recipe Thursday January 22

I had a good lunch today. Chicken thighs with Tostadas and staffed mushroom, avocado and carrot.
The staffed mushrooms are a recipe by Ana my mother in law.

I just spoke with Anna today. She mentioned that my wife's day started with our kiddos bringing her a nice  bouquet of flowers for her Birthday.

Yes today it is Your Birthday Simona.. YOU ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST..

Anna has come from Rome to stay with the family for another couple of months. Our kiddos are very happy to have Anna around as she is taking really good care of the whole family.
I am sure that Simona my wife will have to travel a bit while Anna is here.

Anna is really helpful around the house. She is always preparing some delicious meal for our kids.
We were talking today about her latest creation: risotto with Zucchini.

The recipe is quite straightforward:

1) Cut the Zucchini into medium size.
2) Add it in a pot with some seasoning and water.
3) The water level depends on how much you prefer the zucchini to stay firm rather than becoming mushy
4) once the Zucchini is half cooked ( be careful not to over cook it)  add the rice.  White Basmati rice is fine as Arboreo rice is harder to find.
5) cook for 30-40 minutes
6) add  grated Parmesan cheese... our kiddos love Parmesan cheese. Particularly Lapo our youngest is found of Parmesan cheese.

Enjoy while hot.

Anna mentioned that our kiddos love her latest creation.
I believe our kiddos are gaining weight while Anna is staying with us.
Anna is staying with us until the Ides of March (the beginning of March)

Historically the Ides of March mark the assassination of Caesar Augustus  and the end of the Roman Republic. In this painting Caesar is seen defending himself from the assassination action in the Roman Senate. As some point he sees his adopted son Brute.
Once he sees him he let everything go and he let the conspirators to kill him.

He dies by saying in Latin the famous words "Tu quoque Brute filii mi!"

I personally like this sentence and used in the context of including somebody in the mix by expressing a sense of unexpected participation.

Let's switch gear.
Today as I am coming back home I will make sure I have something good prepared for tomorrow lunch. I have already provided my grocery list yesterday so I will make sure that I do not need to make a new one. Yesterday I have been told that I do not have to make a new one.
Afterward I will be going to the gym to do Zumba.. The gym is my second home to be..,,

I love you Simona... you know that we are always together..Celebrate yourself today ..

I know your are waiting for me for Saturday.

