Monday, January 19, 2015

Insulin-like growth factor

In this picture kindly by  Wikipedia it is show the insulin-like  growth factor.

The insulin like growth factor is a protein in the blood stream that gets encoded by the IGF1 gene.
IGF-1 consists of  70 amino-acids with three strong bods called  disulfide bridge.

The IGF-1 is primarily produced by the liver as an endocrine hormone.

In this contest the endocrine system is a a collection of glands in the body that produces and secretes a wide variety of hormones.
In my case the anterior  pituitary gland is  the key gland that is in charge of stimulating the  liver for releasing the insulin like growth factor.
The pituitary gland is a small gland the size of the pea at the base of the skull behind the nose.
The pituitary gland is also knows as hypophysis 

The IGF-1 is mainly produced by the liver as a result of stimulation by growth hormone.
IGF-1 has been shown to be involved with neural development. Neurogenesis is also one of the main function that for me is important.
Neurogenesis is the process of regeneration of the neuron structure.
The brain is a living structure and it is capable of rewiring itself following an accident.

Well enjoy the reading.. I have tried my best.. 

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