Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27

Yesterday evening I went to Trader Joe's .. it is a bit odd going there on a Monday evening as I was away for the weekend. Hence I had the chance of doing it on the evening. Kyle was so gracious to take me over there.
As I was late I just said hi to Jamie as she was leaving for the day. Anyway Lisa was still there .. she mentioned that her grandson is doing great. As usual she called me  "Sweaty"

We laughed about her calling me sweaty. I mentioned that my wife  Simona normally calls me Amore mio (my love)  but she uses my full name -Giuseppe- whenever I am in trouble with her.

Hence I can immediately gather her pulse by the first instant of our conversation.

At the store I did my usual routine, got  raffle stickers for the reusable bags that I have taken at the store and got stickers for the kids.
They are now dangling at the board of my apartment.

My final bill was $84.84 .. I think it was a good experience for me being back over there.
I have tried another store (Winco) but at the end I am back at Trader Joe's. 
It is a matter for me of Personal relationship with the people over there.

Today I had a good therapy here at the center.
We did a cooking group where we have organized a cooking recipe and a plan to get the supply.
Afterward  I did  Mediation with Matt. This time mediation went smoothly without other accident.
Matt  gave me a new book to read. I am going to read it all. This is the picture of my new book.

I have already almost finished my other book called "10% happier". I am very interested reading about this topic.

According to this book  many people use mediation in their daily life.
I am applying what I am reading on what I am doing, day after day...
Matt appreciates my efforts and he always shows a lot of courtesy and grace for me.

I had a very good lunch today within the premises of CNS.. among my friends.
I feel it is good to socialize and to meddle with the people here at CNS.

It took me a few days to make the adjustment but I made the step.
This is my lunch: summer squash rice, chicken legs. Russel potatoes seasoned with Rosemary.

A staffed portobello mushroom.. everything home made.To cook you need time, passion above all and fantasy. Also it helps a lot having somebody to ask to. And Anna is always available to provide me some good tips. Hence thank you Anna.

I feel that for lunch there are different options available. I still drink my coffee outside so that I can have a break. and feel the weather. Today the air is fine.. not too cold.

After lunch I called back home and found Lapo our youngest at home with Anna my mother in law.

Lapo was eating pasta with thread (filetto). Since  Anna has arrived at home our kids are eating really well. Anna in fact is a highly skilled person in the kitchen. She has the drive, the passion and the strength.

In addition she has two young grand son to feed. Both Chicco and Lapo are growing strong and very active and therefore they are consuming a lot of good food.

Hence it is a blessing that Anna will stay around with us  for another couple of months , i.e. until the mid of March. The way I remember it is by knowing that she is going to stay until the Ides of March.

In this way Simona my wife is capable of travelling for her job.
Right now she is in College Station near Austin,Texas for giving a seminar over there.
While on a trip she told me not to call her as she is busy.. hence I am complying.
The principle is No News Good News..

Enjoy the reading

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