Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14

Yesterday I went back to apartment and write a letter to Simona my wife, to tell her I am in  love with  you and to confirm with her everything is OK here in Bakersfield.

I sent it by regular mail to La Canada our home. I am sure it is going to be there by tomorrow.

Afterward I went to the gym as I had no Personal Shopping to do. I took advantage of having the chance of doing bootcamp with Johnny. Finally I had the chance of working on my Zumba class. 

At the gym I greeted Jenna. She is a very kind person and she is always very pleasant with me.
She has a daughter and I have shown her pictures of Simona and of our boys. She appreciated  my forthcoming and   it is all well.

Before leaving I snapped a picture of Kaia working at the reception. She mentioned she will not be at the gym today.  As Today I am going at the gym as well. Working out is clearly part of my getting better.

Yesterday my coverage at the gym was done by Younger Chelsea. She is in charge of making sure I get to the gym and back to the apartment on time... and in one piece. 
Waking back to the gym is doable ( I have done it before) however the road is very busy and by using smart judgement it is very much better using the CNS transportation.

It is great for me to do exercise as much as possible as my brain (Pituitary gland) is getting back working again. In fact I am feeling much better and stronger. 

The pituitary gland is a small  gland at the base of the brain. It has a pea size.
It belongs to the endocrinologist system of the body. Its function is very important as it regulates mental strength, mental stability and   temper.
It regulates the release of the release of the growth hormone (igf2) . This is a molecule in my blood very similar to the insulin and 

In order to get back to its function.. it takes time effort and patience.

As mention to you many time Faith is another important aspect of getting better.
Many people told me that God had a plan for me and for everybody. In this respect I believe He has a significant  plan for my family.
The  road I am taking sometime might be a bit windy but the key is to keep the focus on the end result.

Let me switch a bit of a topics and talk about Mediation. At the clinic we do Mediation as well. I like it very much as by meditating we are getting significant benefits.
I have been reading a book about Mediation and about this practice that used to be practiced on a regular basis by Siddhartha. He is the noble person who later will become the Buddha the Awaken.

The seven factors about the awakening are:
1) Mindfulness
2) Investigation
3) Energy
4) Rapture ( sense of happiness, pleasure and joy)
7) Concentration (let go all the other items from the brain)
8) Equanimity

Enjoy the reading t it time for me to go..

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