Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday January 30 Happy wife happy life posting

Already this morning while at the clinic my mom called me to let me know everybody is doing fine.
I mentioned to her that Lapo was a bit low as he had a cold. She confirmed that  her cold is doing better. Simona confirmed that she took Lapo to the doctor and he is doing fine. She came back from S.Francisco and as soon she came home she took Lapo to be checked.

Yesterday before going to the 24 fitness gym I had a good dinner.
Staffed pepper with a side of spinach and tomatoes.

A good balance of protein, fiber and vitamin.

At the gym I danced Zumba with Mike and I met as usual  two good acquaintances of mine: Tigi on the right hand side and Dee on the Left hand side. I am using the words acquaintances as  mentioning the words friends is a bit overstating the situation.

They were gracious enough to stand there while I took a picture of them. And In fact I am taking picture of my day to fill this memory book the next day. I will not be disturbing them any longer.

At the gym I went with Diego Rivera also knows as Diego Or...s and with Ed. Another patient of CNS.  While on the car Ed  spent a bunch of time at the phone talking about his trust and his money and connecting people among themselves to make sure his own business and affair were well taken care of.

After the gym I was chauffeured back at the apartment first. Then I checked in with Taylor and wished her a good night. I started my standard procedure of shut  down: shower, a little byte and then my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazone all my pills to make me sleep and to treat my depression and different syndromes..

As they say here at CNS Happy Wife happy life.. OK it is understood trusting my wife who has been close to me for all this years is the minimum that I can do at this time.

After taking the cocktail of pills  I went to bed and slept really well.

This morning I wake up early as usual I can't sleep past a certain time. It is my brain that wakes up.
I greeted Brian at the reception and wished him a good day.

I had time to have a good breakfast, listening to NPR and thinking about my family

The big jar of honey is something I have got the last time we went to S.Barbara to see my doctor. 
It is a really good a pure honey and I am sure the supply will last me for a little bit of time.. at least until the next visit!!

this is me this morning together with my family.

I snapped this picture of my family.. 
It is always the first thoughts that come to my mind in the morning...
It comes back at lunch when I am calling home as Lapo is at home for lunch.

You see thinking about somebody is like mediation.. you do your best and when the thought start to fade away. you accept the action catch the thought and bring it back to where it belongs.
And in fact acceptance of the mind wondering around  comes by acting to bring it back to its original thought.
This is called also be Mindful of your own brain.
This is me waiting for the bus at AAC this morning.

While reading my book

I found this passage about Neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is a concept developed in Neuroscience to describe the capability of the brain to  change in response to the environment stimuli. It describes the brain as being a dynamic organ that constantly changes in response to the many stimuli of the environment.

these are the synapses of the brain.

Enjoy the reading ..
Thank you Amore mio

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