Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday January 16

I had a very good lunch offered by CNS.. thank you for the charity.. It felt like it was offered to us and offered down as a real charity.. a carefully checked and a carefully controlled charity..

Well this is what it is.. I did not need the charity from CNS as I had my own lunch.. far healthier than the lunch offered here at CNS..

If you want to do a good action please CNS let me be free to eat my own food so that I can count on it rather than having an employees of yours telling to stop.. A person without much a qualification either (her same start with Lav- I let you guess the ending it has two two vows)  without much an understanding of what she is doing here. Hence dear CNS.. I am sorry but thank you for your charity next time I am counting on my own charity -- it is called self charity.

This is the former person that used to be able to get a free person rather than being enslaved at CNS.. rather than imprisoned at CNS.. Do you believe that 4 years and counting are not long enough?

I feel like a prisoner of yours.. I feel that the Al qaida warriors at Guantanamo were clearly treated a bit better than CNS.. at least they were  a bit homogeneous on their mixing and on their features.., they were there for the same purpose as we are here for a self defeating purpose of pleasing CNS and the billing accounting insurance.. You Billing insurance .. it is all about $$$ isn't ?

In my opinion CNS is fa far r under powered compared to the existing population.. does not have enough resources nor adequate qualified and trained personnel.. Both clinic are way overpopulated clearly you start doing some triage or start sending people away.. or some of us at home..

If you were doing a serious job you would offer the chance of  be treated as a human person rather than being treated as a piece of meat worth only to carry around like a chunk of beef is carried around once the beef has been chopped in pieces.

The area around the enrichment center is really a wonderful example of the rural run down america.. a shabby area a really awful place.. worth of making a nice postcard and of sending it to Hell.

Because this is what this place looks like ... there are no angels but many sinners around and everybody is in the same hell, boiling  with the same antiquated  shabby equipment..

As the squeaky wheels get the grease dear CNS.... you have showed me that you don't care at all you have showed me that you are clearly under powered and that you can't handle your job.
Ever heart about working on forecast? I  know what is like building the capacity based on forecast ..
Perhaps CNS should start hiring a serious manager better apt at  forecasting the current demand and at taking proper action to respond to its needs,,,

Great way to complete the weekend you guys.. your have earn you salary.. I guess your wages are in line with the Federally mandated wages ...

Dr. Giuseppe Rossi
VP Business Development..
You all know my cv.. hence this words are really meaning
full for you ..

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