Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6 2015 Tuesday

Already yesterday I went to the gym to do Yoga with Erica here pictured at my left hand side.
Joseph took me over there.

I did also do cycle with Lolita who had received a new watch from her sweetheart.

Finally as I had time I also  had the chance of  dancing   Zumba with Suzy and afterward it was time for me  to get back home and to  start the procedure for shut down and get ready for my evening. Shower, light snack and meds.

This morning I wake up early as usual and get a yummy breakfast.
 A very balanced breakfast rich in vitamin from the milk, blueberry.
A good balance of carbs ..
Peanut butter, honey and  cereal..

Dedee came to check on me and on the condition (good condition) of my apartment. She found everything in order and ready for the day. Getting a house in order is a science and a methodical aspect of life. I have no problem  having other people to inquiring on the conditions of my premises as I am sure they are always in a very good presentable situation.

Since I have started shopping at Winco Supermarket I have found a  lot of very good products at a very fordable prices.

Right now I am spending every week for grocery my gross total of $75.00 It has been the case for the past month.
I have to say I like the place and the customer service is great..
As Sarah knows I have the chance of picking up something for Ian her little son as a gesture of gratitude to her.

For outing I have too much money as I am spending the whole $48.00 
This week I have just spent $24..
Well once in a while when Simona and our kiddos are in town I hopefully will be able to pay for something for them.

Speaking of my family, Simona is busy with our kids as school has stated .. I had no time to call her today but I am sure she is doing fine.
Normally I call her and found sipping her coffee at Starbucks's,.. I will call you afterward mon amour right now you are at work.

Michael just mentioned to me that I will be doing money Management at the new Clinic with him at the new clinic.

Enjoy the reading.. it is time for me go get to my next therapy.

Remember: "I had lot of worries in my life most of which never happened " (Mark Twain)

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