Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9 post lunch posting

At lunch we have been having burger with fries offered by CNS.. thank you very much.
I have compensated my lunch with an avocado .. afterward I brush my teeth and drank my coffee.
It is a ritual for me.. coffee after brushing my teeth.

This is the good burger I had today..

Berta, helped manning the kitchen.
Lavisha helped with the food.
I am very happy to be around and I am making Amanda my reference here at the enrichment center.
Isabelle was manning the reception today.
I am meeting a lot of persons I am acquainted with must be ages I have not been around..
Of  course as I mentioned to you before Amanda is my  point of reference here .. she is a sweet and wonderful person... always ready to help me ..
I am going to work  a bit more on my CR.. stay tuned for the next installment.
In case you don't hear from me again.. for the weekend I am planning to do a lot of fun: usual shopping at Winco and cleaning up all the apartment:  I am planning to go to tje movie to see Taken 3 with Ian Neeson.
I saw the previous two installment of this very good theatrical movie series and I liked it a lot.

Well it is time for me to do some more CR work.

1) Parrot Visual and Auditory memory scan  7 letter 7 second 
Completed 20 correct 11 (55%)
av response time 13.05

2) Memory for direction level 3 24/43= 56% 

3) sequence level 7, result 10/11 av response time 12.09 sec


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