Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday January 22 2015

In the morning I reached back my mom in Italy. She was running around with a lot of  things to do. It is her Birthday today. She mentioned that she has received the letter that I wrote to her.
Also she has received flowers from my kids. I believe Simona my wife was behind it.

I called my wife Simona she mentioned that our kids have made her a nice surprise for this morning...

I am happy that our kids have the strength to think about Simona.
 I am sure that Anna - my mother in law- is behind this effort of them.

I had a nice breakfast and started to get rid off all the Winco food..

I have switched back to Trader Joe's as they are clearly the best place for shop around.

I have in the apartment still some old staff to get rid off.. slowly but surely it will be taken care of.

I asked Eveline  to snap this picture of me. Eveline is  one of my favorite supervisor .. don't tell Brandy that as I am oscillating among the two of them..

Here I am getting ready for the bus at 9:30am

Yesterday I  came back home and cooked. I have been preparing staffed mushroom. I have been preparing the staffing with crumble bread, and seasoned with oregano, garlic powder and pepper powder.  I have also been cooking in the pan  seasoned chicken things.
I have to say the mushroom secret recipe is from my mother in law Anna. 

Finally after cooking I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was my cycle time.
I went there early so I got a bike. When it was time to leave I snapped a selphie with Angie the instructor, here at my left hand side.

She is I nice person , always cheerful. A bit rough at the edges but overall with a big heart.
She is always happy to see me over there to work out. 

At the gym I greeted Kaia

I have also greeted  Melissa.

I met Tom, Pete,Maria and Riina.
All people that have become my acquaintances at the gym.
I like the gym as I am always meeting people I have became familiar with.
We know each other and everybody is cheering up for me over there.
So it has become a place for me to get stronger and better.

Everybody knows me and is aware of my past and current limitations.
They all have accepted it as I am accepting it as well. When some of them disappear it is OK..  I keep going as I am getting stronger, faster and better..
The gym is part of my day, part of reaching my goals and achieving my values of staying stronger.

The gym is in fact medicine for me.. in particular it is stimulating my brain to keep producing  the igf1 growth factor..

I have just met Carrie from accounting and we talked about the mission of CNS.
I thought that Carrie was Sarah my Case Manager.
Hence I have briefly explained that I am thanking CNS and Sarah for all these years as CNS as been paying for my recovery process. 
I briefly thanked Carrie and reiterated what Sarah has been teaching me about CNS..
that is.. that we are all WORTH this effort.

The value is that you can not but most definitely a  price tag over anybody's life.
 The action is that we all have to thank CNS and GOD for being there with us..
We all have to focus on the positive aspects of life.

Hence thank you Sarah and CNS.. Simona and my own family are also acknowledged as they have been enduring  and accepting my time here in Bakersfield.
Lunch time.

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