Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21

Yesterday after the clinic.. I started leaving again.
I went back to the apartment and cooked a wonderful Tilapia filet with green pepper topping.
I have prepared a very healthy green salad as well.

At some point the reception called me to let me know that my new long sleeve T-Shirt has arrived. It has been sent by Simona my wife, she is using Amazon Prime delivery.
It is a good service.. In case it would not fit I have to keep the item in pristine condition so that it can be exchanged.

Needless to say that the T-shirt is just perfect.

I went afterward to the gym. I did bootcamp with Johnny.. A lot of good equilibrium and cardio work.  I started jumping again.. just doing my best as I still working on my equilibrium.
After bootcamp with Johnny it was time for Zumba with Mike. This is a light cardio exercise with a lot of dancing around the floor. 
I went over there with Young Chelsea, she is a very good person.
Before leaving  I took a picture with Frank the manager. He is the one at my right hand side. I am the one with the hat.

Afterward we came back to the apartment, I started my procedure of shut down.. (shower, snack and med and went to sleep).
Before starting my sleep I snapped this picture of me  dedicated to the courtesy of CNS and of the switchboard.. As she dared call me 321.. obviously she has not understood who she is talking with.
So I sent her a gentle and firm feedback as a memento.

On the positive side this morning.. I have a good greeting by miss Mary.. 
I guess message as been received..I will stay on the look out for any obvious sign of impelling dementia. 

This morning I did everything by myself as I like to be doing.. as well I have prepared  a good message for my wife Simona. We are going to have a special celebration for us two. It is something that has to do with my family.. it is a family business.

Switching topic Simona today is going to go to Irvine University to give a seminar over there. For her professional like it is very important to cultivate this professional ties and circles. Simona is Assistant Professor of Environmental  Science and Engineering at Caltech  

A demanding job that she carries on with a lot of dedication, strength and effort.

Simona is currently the head of our household and she is carrying the full weight of the whole house.

Our house is located in beautiful La Canada Flintridge, one of most affluent county of Los Angeles.
It is a very good place for rising a family and a really beautiful place to leave.
This is the place we have chosen to be located.. 
Already enjoy the posting..


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