Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday January 15

I am working from the old clinic..
I have just completed my CR work :

1) Parrot 7 letters 7 sec Results 65%  av response time 12.7
2) memory and attention, memory for direction level 3: completed 39 correct 33, Result=85% av response time 3.64
3) sequencing level 7 attempted 10, correct 9. Average response time 19.64 sec

Yesterday I did write to my family.. I have decided I am sending to my family a letter every day.. It is reminding me that they are waiting for me in La Canada.
I used to accumulate the letters with me and then to give to my wife and my kids when they were coming to see me. As such I am going to send them letters on a regular basis using regular mail.
It is easy and practical.

In the evening I have been cooking:  chicken drums on a bed of Russell potatoes. This time I have been peeling off the skin from the chicken drums so that to get rid off the fatty part of the chicken.
Afterward I have been seasoning everything  with pepper, salt and shallot. 

Finally it was ready for the oven at 350F.

It has been cooking for about 45 minutes.

Finally at the very end I put the oven into the broil position so that to make a soft and delicate crust to the food.

Here is the final result!

After cooking and writing home I went finally  to the gym.
This is Melissa posing at my left hand side. She is always available for a picture with me.

At the gym I have been working out as usual a lot of good cardio and a lot of good people.
I have been cicling and I did body pump with Silvia's  substitute.
I am enjoying the gym very much..

Chelsea did my coverage -she is a little kid. She was hungry afterward and she mentioned she was going home to eat. Her grand ma was preparing dinner for her.
Finally I went back to the apartment. Took a shower and took care of the house duty.
I have been washing all my staff and then overnight dried them in the drier.. So now everything is clean..nothing to wash in the hamper except for the things I have left from this morning..

I like to keep the apartment clean and in order.. this is the way I like to live..
Ain't anything wrong with it..
Enjoy the reading .. it is time for lunch


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