Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday January 19 Martin Luther King day

Last Friday was Zeina last day at CNS. Zeina is the smiling face at my left hand side..
She told me she has left CNS to go to work for Farmer's Insurance.
On her way back we shaped this picture together.
It is OK as she does not work any longer here at CNS.. 
Farewell Zeina and all the best to you.

On Friday I wrote a nice letter to my family and sent it back home to Simona.

purchased two pins for my two sons.

On Friday it was my Zumba night. At my left hand side is Honey my Zumba teacher.

At the gym I snapped a picture of Kaia.

Then as Jackie was there I snapped a picture of her as well.

On Saturday I wake up early as usual and dedicated my time to cleaned the apartment .. changing the bed, then washing all my stuff then drying and folding away everything.

I dust all the surfaces, cleaned the restroom, the kitchen and the floor.. 
It is definitely a day well spent.
I like to leave in a clean and ordered environment..
Personal preference you might say..

I have been writing a letter to the boys: in English and block letters. It will be there in the next few days.

On Saturday morning I did my Grocery Shopping to Trader Joe's

A big party for me and a big coming back to my favorite spot in tow.

Over there I met again all the persons that I consider to be very close to me.

For instance Jamie at my right hand side.

She is a big supporter of mine.

She was not expecting me to came back.
I brought for her family a pine cone. She mentioned she will give it to Delaney her daughter.

We snapped a picture next to expired shipment of beer that they were ready to send back .

Over there  I  also greeted Monica

On my way back I have also greeted Ashley and snapped a picture of her working hard.

As they were not expecting me, they were not prepared. So this time no stickers nor ticket for the raffle.
They mentioned that they need to get back organized for the next time.

I spent a cool $81.71  and everything went well.

After coming back to the apartment I have put away all my grocery using the appropriate stickers.
I had a quick dinner and finally we went to the movie at 6:30 pm loading.

I saw a nice movie about dr. Martin Luther King. I really have enjoyed the movie.

At the movie I had a coke and dibs.. I got my medication as directed: first the Divalproex and later the two sleeping pills: Melatonine and Trazodone.

It is a very nice movie about a piece of the America history. 
Beside we were getting close to Martin Luther King day -it is is really an appropriate.

On Sunday I have been cleaning again and writing a letter back home. I have been preparing a Happy Birthday Card for my wife as her birthday is around the corner.

Finally I went to church at S. Francis on H street...

Today our kids are at home as they don't have school because it is a Federal holiday.

Simona is most likely going to work today at Caltech.. I am sure she does not have any lesson nevertheless she is working on her research projects.

It is all well.
Me? I am always getting up too early in the morning as I do not sleep that much..

Hence I am always ready too early..

Please enjoy the reading..

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