Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday January 16 morning posting


Yesterday evening after therapy I cane back to the apartment and I had dinner with a healthy tilapia  some veggy and a tad of pesto. As I was going to the gym I had a cold tea to drink.

After a quick and fulfilling dinner I went to the gym as it was my Zumba night.

This is Melissa posing at my right hand side at the 24fitness gym Southwest location

This is Frank the Manager.

I did Zumba with Mike. I had a lot of fun. Afterward I started doing cycle with Lolita and it was time for me to go.
At the gym I met Sharita, Riina and Laura. 
Alexis dropped me off and Ashley came to pick me up, thank you a lot CNS..

After a soothing shower and a quick snack I went to bed.
This morning I wake up early and of course  Simona my wife was already up and taking our kids to school. She is always  faster than me.. most of the time she kiss me good by before leaving.  Other She leaves me sleeping.. It is OK as I know she runs a very hectic life.

I have time to have my breakfast   virtually  with her  .. she is such a wonderful person.. full of energy and care for the whole family...

I am happy that right now her mom Anna has arrived with us at home La Canada . She is really taking care of the house and of the whole family. Our kiddos loves Anna very much and she is clearly part of our family.

As I had time as usual I hanged around at the reception to kick off the time. I am an early riser after all. This give me the time to get ready for the day.
At the reception  I have purchased a pin for our younger son Lapo.. it  brings a good Karma to start to my day with a good action.

This morning I kidded with Lorentz, I asked how his girls where doing. He mentioned that they all love him very much and that he is clearly very happy to be with them.
He took this picture with me.
I asked him to tighten my loose skews in my skull.. He mentioned that he was still looking for the proper tool that the threat. Soon or later he is going to find it.
Meanwhile he add the time to snap this picture of me.

Well enjoy the reading..
As I have something else to do.

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