Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday January 8 2015

I am in the personal blog. Hence I am writing to you from a computer of the Enrichment center.

Yesterday I went to the gym to do cycle with Angie. She is the gal at my right hand side. Over there Silvia was doing a class of her (body pump). Silvia is the other lady in the background with a red T-shirt.

I have to say Angie is a nice person a bit raw in her expression yet she has a big heart as she is always happy to see me and she is always keeping a bike for me.
Afterward I was not allowed to stay for the next class.. Doctor orders.. you know we have to follow their mandate.
As you know I am free to do what I have decided to do as most of the things get decided for me instead.. it is called post stroke effect and it is called being able to...
Well.. I have to confess you reader I am really tired of being at CNS unable to determine my own paths.. hence I have decided to take in my own hands the current situation..

I am getting annoyed and bitter about the people around me..
The last example is the exchange of email I had with my ex boss. He is preaching from his high ground.. where it is a rather easy things to preach to the quire..

You see over the past four years he has never been interested to show off his face in this place.. This is telling me a lot about his character or about is lack of it..

Let's switch topic and revert back to a more constructive and positive aspect of like.

These are Chicco and Lapo at Taekwodo. Chicco is 9 years old on the left hand side of the picture (the one with an orange belt). Lapo is 5.5 years old and has a white belt with a black stripe.

They both are doing great in life and in school.

I don't see them that much as my wife brings me them to visit every couple of weeks and only for a few hours.. again doctor orders..
I have to say after so many years I don't miss my family and they don't miss me as well.
They adjusted to get by without me..  and as a consequence I have adjusted my self to get by.

It is perfectly doable..In return I am writing to  both Chicco and Lapo as much as I can. I make small drawing for them despite the fact that they are never giving anything for me.
Apparently I have been forgotten by everybody.. forgiven and forgotten.. this is what it is said.

I personal don't care much about it .. as mentioned I got used to this modus of operandi.. 

Once thing that I learn is that you have to be able to Carpe Diem (seize the day).. quam minimum credula postero (Oratio)

Enjoy the reading.

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