Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday January 5

On Friday I went to Zumba at the 24 fitness gym. At my left  is Honey the Zumba teacher.

Her daughter is doing great and she they all had a great New Year.

At my left hand side is Frank the gym Manager.

I went then home and get ready for the night.
On Saturday I washed everything and cleaned out the apartment.
Z have been preparing a nice letter for Chicco, Simona and Lapo. In English and block letter.
For Lapo a simple drawing to show that I am thinking about him as well.

Then in the morning I went to do Grocery Shopping at Winco.  It is a great place to do Shopping. I am now hooked with this place. I spent $76.30 much less than I use to do at Trader Joe's. I am now hooked to Winco shopping. It is a good place, with very good customer service and good prices.
Of course I have remembered to get a Candy Cam for Ian as well. 

It is now on Sarah's desk together with a letter for her and my PC that needs some maintenance by Robert.

We agreed on that last week..

On Saturday I saw a very nice movie.

if I can take it I can make it.. This is the movie synthesis.

Simona and the boys are fine. She just  brought our kids to school.
Thank you everybody...

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