Friday, January 9, 2015

January Friday 9

Yesterday as usual I went to the gym to do Zumba with Mike.
Over there I have been interacting with the people of Bakersfield in the community..
Among them I met Dwayne

and also Stefanie, she is holding here my water bottle.

At the gym I had a great fun dancing Zumba . Mike was our instructor .. as usual at the gym they have the same songs and they play them over and over, I nice and relaxing experience of course as usual. It is good to get out in the community  and to have a bit of fun.

Over there I forget everything and every aspect of my current being here...
As you know I have been in rehab for the last 3 years.. it is a long time but I frankly don't miss anything nor I miss anybody about the old life..

I am focusing on my day by day activities as it is the only way we can work by being present on the moment - hence the say CARPE DIEM ( quam minimum credula postero) (Oratio)

Today I had some new pans from the maintenance guy: the old ones were rusty and ready to go..
These are my new Mickey Mouse Hears
We always kid a lot with James, Brad, Caesar and Jarron all the maintenance guys at the apartment.
Jarron's wife is doing great: they are expecting a boy.
Brad's wife Tana is as usual over worked. James's wife Marina is doing great .. everybody is fine..

My breakfast  this morning has been balanced and very yummy as always.. Lissening to NPR news as always..
filling the time I love having for me in the morning..

At the enrichment center today I have been working at the Parrot Programs 
Here is the CR work for today..Before lunch
                                      1) Parrot Visual and Auditory memory scan
                                               7 letter 7 sec correct 15 over 20 = 75%
                                                average response time 13.6

                                        2) memory for direction level 3
                                       result 18/32 =56% time 4.41

                                     3) sequencing level 7 10/11 average response time 12.82

                                            Working hard or hardly working? 
To tell it all I am working hard in order to Hardly work at all..

Afterward I am working on my blog and it will be time for lunch..
I will be leaving at 2:30 pm to go to the gym..

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