Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday January 26

I was at home for the weekend as we celebrated all together Simona's birthday.

I have brought back to our kids a nice letter: I normally write to them In English and Block letter.
A good and positive letter. To the both of them .. always to Chicco and Lapo.


The key message is We All Stand behind you two as you are our future..

Most of the time I am making a simple and nice drawing to Lapo as well. This is the way I like it.

I had an intense weekend overall, very pleasant and fulfilling.

Lapo our youngest  went to play Tennis, he has started tennis following  the example of  his eldest brother  Chicco.
Clearly having a bigger brother that leads the way is very important in life.

With Simona we went to Whole Foods Supermarket in Pasadena  as Simona had ordered a cake for her birthday.
Over there I had the chance of eating one of my favorite food: Sushi.
Here I am ready to get to work!

Simona was concerned weather I had enough Sushi for the  day. 

Well as it is well known this is simply fish and does not affect much your calories intake for the day.
I had a wonderful soup of Tofu as well. With the Sushi I had  grilled Salmon on a bed of Basmati rice.
For the time being I am set for Sushi.. until the next time..
At home our kids had time to relax  while they  watched the Lego Movie.
Chicco was not feeling that well so he stayed indoor.
 Chicco is the kiddo waving a red Ninjia sword,
While Lapo is the younger kid in the foreground.

When they are dressed alike they really look like twins...

This is Lapo again.

Afterward the kiddos started playing Monopoli.

We had dinner at home 

We celebrated   Simona's birthday

At home Stefano, Jane and their kids came. As well Raffaella, Bob and their son Luca joined the gathering  as well.

Raffaella and Simona are good  friends since their time at UCLA when  they were both doing their graduate studies.

Raffaella is from Rome like Simona so this has been cementing their friendship.
Raffaella husband is Bob and he is a professor at Caltech. Lapo is very found of Bob. Lapo calls Bob The builder as Bob is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Caltech and a lot of time has been helping out the family with little tricks.
The kids had some more playing around.

Lapo ( the red shirt one) mentioned that Chicco ( the blue shirt one) is doing an amazing job.
He was very pleased with Chicco' s help and his older brother help.

As Chicco wasn't feeling 100% Lapo was concerned about his own Temperature. So while eating a pop tart he wanted to check its own temperature. Afterward he felt he was OK.

I was mentioning to Lapo the he should eat first and then measure his temperature. Lapo appeared puzzled by the notion of doing once after the other.. :)

In the morning we  went to have a coffee at Intelligentsia coffee in Pasadena

Lapo did his own playing around, splashing with his hot cocoa and making sure that the table had something as well.. so he had a good time.
As CNS gave me money for the outing I had offered the breakfast to our kiddos.

As we were outside the house we stop by Barnes and Noble.
Over there the kiddos indicated their preference to Simona.. 
Lapo was playing with some books. Lapo has started reading some complex worlds. He is doing a good job trying to get his brain reading.

Chicco indicated he wanted to have some more construction blocks.

I snapped a picture of a  book that I have found very much amusing.
Forgive me Simona and Anna as I am rather the one who needs babysitting.. It is a simple joke dedicated to me..

The fact is that Anna -Simona's mom- came from Italy to take care of our family.
I think it is a reverse situation to be in.. 
Anna is a very independent person and she is making her best while she is staying with us here in US.
Anna is going to be with us until the beginning of March.

And in fact Simona today flew to  Texas AMN University for giving a seminar.
In her work at Caltech is key that she travels around and she let the academia know about her research work. By meeting with different professionals and different universities  the process of cross pollination and flow of ideas happens in this way.
Hence it is key for Simona's work going around the academia world. She is going to stay in Texas until Wednesday January the 28th. 

Anna gave me some stock cubes so that I can use it when I am cooking.
Anna mentioned that I should start by using a little bit as it is very tasty.
I will use it in my next culinary creation.

The stock cubes I was given are very healthy, as they have been purchased here locally at the Italian shop.
It does not contain any bad staff.

I was back in Bakersfield on Time for church. As usual going to church is very inspirational and a source of strength for me as it make me fell well.

As I am reading a book (10% happier) I have found this quote I would like to share:

Acceptance is not passivity. sometimes we are justifiably displeased. What mindfulness does is create some space in your head so you can, as the Buddhists say, "respond" rather than simply " react".
The only thing you can control is how you handle it.
Bingo: respond not react.

Enjoy the reading..

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