Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday January 23

CNS must have trough a lot of money out of the window..
Among the waste is a bunch of sign like this..
Because it is to remember that we are all handicapped around here.
Hence it is good to have repetition and reinforcement of the same idea.

I started my day with a good perspective of the day... don't you think? 

Yesterday I have been preparing Risotto alle zucchine..  This is a fine recipe  for making rice with Summer squash

The recipes is from Anna, Simona's mom.
It consists of chopped Zucchini with Basmati rice. 
I have also added butter and Parmesan cheese to make it richer and creamier.
I cut the summer  squash about an inch long  to make it stand the cooking time. I cooked it with sweet onion. O  It is really good and simple to make.

Afterward I went to the gym.
Of course I had again another  fine example of a poor service by CNS in the person of Diego Rivera. By the way has he completed high school yet? Apparently he is fresh out of his latest job   at McDonald..  I guess for being a care giver you don't need to have much of any qualification.

Going back to your service man he was late and then he took me for a ride around Bakersfield as Ed was coming as well with us.

Hence dear CNS and dear DIEGO O_ _ IS  try to make sure that when you provide a service it is worth of its  name.. I  used to provide my customers a good service and also I was open to listening to their feedback. As CNS is supposed to be listening as well  please Renee make sure to have somebody else providing the service either make sure I am going by myself without other patients of yours as I  like to work alone and not to be bagged by any body.

Message received Renee, message received CNS guys? Let's see.. As a courtesy to my self tonight  I am going to the movie.. Hence dear CNS you will be spared a bit of time.

Switching topics - let's not perseverate anymore on it. ( as they say the stimulus is gone)

this morning I had a good breakfast.. Alone and by usual I do not mind as they say: I am eating don't bug me. And only Diana the sup came to check on me and on my medication. 

This morning I had a headache so I had a couple of Tylenol pills to get through it.
It is the impact of all the current population of the CNS that make me feel dizzy and sick to my head and to my stomach.

At AAC  I have to give a thanks to Tami and to all the staff that makes sure to make me feel OK
My real life starts outside CNS.. as you know it has always been that way..
As they say in  Romeo and Juliet  (it is a tragedy from Shakespeare ) : 

There is no world for me outside the walls of Verona, except purgatory, torture, and hell itself. So to be banished from Verona is like being banished from the world, and being banished from the world is death.

I suppose all of this concept is a bit foreign to you all.

You see I am originally from Verona, Italy

The same worlds do apply for La Canada, where my own house is located. 

La Canada is an affluent community at the foothill of the San Gabriel Mountain.

Lunch time

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