Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29 post lunch posting

I have called home to check on Lapo doing. Anna mentioned that he had a good time and that he is going trough his cold and cough.
Anna has prepared him for lunch some chicken broth and a light pasta soup.
I am sure Lapo is going to be himself very soon. This is just a seasonal flu.

For lunch I had orecchiette pasta with broccoli and staffed peppers.
I eat outside by myself as I like doing it. I do not mind eating by myself it allows me to focus on my day and to make some good exercises of meditation so much useful to stay tuned in the moment.

Mediation is such a great tools for the mind and once you get addicted to it  you will look for every moment to take advantage and for being mindful or tuned in your own mind into your strengths.

After lunch I greeted Isabelle. I met Steve, he  his is Hellen's husband and Victoria's father.  Hellen is the director of the clinic at CNS. She is  s very nice person.  I also saw Sophia the other person manning the switch board here at the Enrichment

It is all good..
Overall we are good. Simona is working hard.. as usual I found her line without any response.. I don't mind it I am used to this aspect.. it is life after all my duty is to formally place the call and to talk to an answering machine.. 

I am not complaining I would be surprise if it were otherwise.

So let's carry on without persevering on it.

Look what I am doing by myself!!

I like it that way being left alone with my self. Don't you love being the same?

As mentioned to you many time my real life starts outside CNS at the gym and in the outing where I can do things by myself.. Independence is what I am seeking.
After all I am good in being Independent.. within the current limitation that is 
1) asking permission to my wife
2) asking for needed supply to my wife
3) asking for items rather than asking for affection
It is all AD MEMENTUM which translate for a distance memory... it is clearly many years distant and you know is going to be such as I like it that way.

Going back to the Adult Enrichment   Center title (AEC) I believe this is a place to be parked upon while we all get a bit of is basically a parking place for people that have nothing more to do in life. It allows for me freedom of doing what I like and freedom of doing whatever I like most...
Breathing in Breathing out, blogging and reading.
Speaking of reading let me go and read my book a bit..

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