Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday January 13

Yesterday we went with Simona to S.Barbara hospital. The stroke center where I had my shunt inserted on my head follow my Acquired Brain Injury which is part of a bigger family described at TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).

This is S.Barbara as seen by the high way.

This is the new hospital that has been since built. Four years ago I was admitted in the old isle of the hospital.

This is the CT scan machine where I have had my scan performed.

AS  Dr. Zoner was busy with an urgent matter he sent his assistance to talk to us a bit about the results. The CT scan shows that the shunt is stable. The CT scan shows the cerebral fluid that fills the skull and provides a cushion for the brain. The cerebral fluid is renewed every day and my shunt provides the outlet for the fluid into my stomach.

The brain and the human body is such a wonderful machine ... 

After the scan we had time to eat at a very good restaurant called Via Maestra 42. It is an authentic Italian restaurant.
I had  the local specialty: Tagliolini al Nero di seppia.. Pasta with black squid sauce.. Really a good specialty.

A fine salad..

And last but not least authentic Cannoli with panna..a Sicilian specialty..
 The Cannoli are the piece of pastry in the picture below.. I let you imagine how rich and good they tasted.

We had it with Mineral water.. as they had run of beer..(just kidding of course..)

I had such a good food experience and such a wonderful offering of Italian flavors. 
Of course I  consulted with Simona my wife on what she was thinking about my choices.
She mentioned that I should take advantage while I was there to make the best out of it..

As Simona came by herself at home in our kiddos where taken care by Anna. Anna is my mother in law and Simona's mom. Anna came from Rome Italy to take care of our family.

Anna is a big help and she is always making sure that Simona and the kiddos are well.
In this regards she is a wonderful mother-in-law.
She is making a large sacrifice to be here with us as when she is here she basically looses her independence to drive around by herself. Nevertheless she manages to run an acceptable life in US.

Anna will be staying with our family until March.. Anna is always available to help her daughter Simona  and our family

Yesterday while we where in S. Barbara our kiddos had Taekwon-do.
It is important to offer them the best and most stable condition to be healthy kiddos.

To my wife I gave the letters that I had prepared for her and for our kiddos Chicco and Lapo. I also had made drawings for the both of them. I am writing to my family as much as possible.. it is way to keep my connections with them on going.  

Meditation ..

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