Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday October 16 2015

Yesterday evening Simona came back in La Canada from her business trip in Boulder.
She went to pick up our kiddos at Marina's place. Marina is our Nanny as she is taking care of the kids whenever Simona is traveling out of town.

Obviously after therapy I came back to the CNS apartment and had my own cooked dinner.
A couple of egg omelette, a salad with avocados, carrots, cucumber, chia seeds. Obviously dressed with Olive Oil and vinaigrette.

Afterward it was time for me to go the gym as usual. The place I call it my second home.

I like the gym and always got some great experience over there.

Yesterday it was time for Zumba with Mike. A lot of hard work like jumping, rapid movements with my  legs and many other cardio-like exercise.

Afterward my cycle sessions was cancelled as expected.. I knew it in advance and I was ready.
I enjoyed doing  2.25 miles on the  stair Master level 7. 
A bit of abdominal work and stretching. Relaxing your body  is also as important as exercising.. it is important to spent time in cooling down your body.

This is the Stair Master snapshot

Last night I slept so and so.
I was awaken very early.

Anyway, this is my Bon Courage breakfast

Well this is the park today. Wet and great green color.
In traditional  image sensor the green color is sampled twice. Hence  it has a great rendering in imaging.

This is me with the result of my night obviously you will notice my rounded under eyes..
She has lost her dog and I lost my sleeping time.. who is on pair?

My daily dose of beautiful flowers courtesy of the local garden.

Oh I forgot to mention you that I had the pleasure of throwing the trash - thank you- and of grabbing the newspaper.

Simona took our kids to school as usual.
Lapo reminded me that today there are no homework as it is the start of the weekend.

He will stay home playing.
Chicco our eldest will go to play Tennis this afternoon.

So the boys are covered with their normal activity and they are having a normal life as much as it is normal for them. I guess this is normal as it has going on for the past four years. The boys have been adjusted themselves.

Enjoy the reading.

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