Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13

Yesterday after my therapy I went to the gym.
I had Yoga with Tiffany. I did my best to keep my balance, I am getting stronger on my legs yet I have difficulties keeping my balance when my legs are bent.

Nevertheless I am trying my best.

I met Lee with a new air cut. Here showed in blue at my left hand side/

In Yoga we are saying Chatarunga (hi to low in Yoga)

After Yoga it was my time of doing cycle with Tiffany.
I managed to set the bike to fully extend my legs, I am trying to do my best in every sport.

Before leaving I snapped this picture of me and of her on the background.

She is aware that the use of the picture is for my therapy at CNS, hence she complies graciously.

I met Larry his wife Janice, Damian and the usual familiar faces at the gym.

They are all aware of Simona's trip in Denver Colorado at NCAR.
While at the gym I met Miss Amani and chatted with her.

The great pictures of Nature for today are the following ones:



 Today's  Meditation notes are presented on my notebook.
We talked about brain waves in the brain, about Neuron. Dendrites, we covered the different type of waves our brain generates. Beta, Theta,  Gamma. After a TBI the balance of the waves in the brain is altered. Meditation is shown by EGC  to increase the coherence of the wave in the brain, 

Hence Meditation is restoring the Wave Balance in the brain after a TBI,

After Meditation I had a good lunch outside at my usual spot.

I called my mom in Italy. I talked to her and found her cheerful and upbit.

She told me "Ciao Bellezza" ( can be translated Ciao Beautiful)

I am going to work on my database for Lisa.

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