Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday October 5

Well as usual let's update you on the usual activities of the weekend by means of the pictures I have been taking.

Last Friday evening I went as usual to the gym as I had Zumba with Carolyn

She is the lady wearing a hat on my right hand side.

Behind her is Lee an interesting a courteous fellow I normally meet at the gym.

After Zumba I had the chance of doing some light training,
I met Ozy at the gym.  At 7pm I called Brandi for extraction as it was time to leave.

Finally I went back to the CNS apartment and got to bed after a soothing shower.

These are memories of my family and I would like to post it. 

Last Saturday I have really busy by doing a lot of house maintenance tasks.

Washing all my clothes, changing my bed, washing my bathrobe. Cleaning my bedroom  by the accumulated dust and running the vacuum cleaner. I washed the floor for all the CNS apartment.

As I have been feeling cold I added an extra bed cover to keep me warm.

Finally at 10:30am I went to Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. I double checked my grocery ahead of time hence corrected my Grocery list to keep the bill low. I also  avoided purchasing  any sushi to minimize my bill.

I spent  $83.31 

She is Meredith

She is Angela.

This is the pumpkin picture as this is time for it. 

She is Denise.

I got a new supply of stickers and as usual tickets for the raffle as well.

On Saturday my Economist magazine arrived.

Over the weekend our kids went to play soccer. They are in two different time slots so Simona had to spent time by shuttling them back and forth.

Lapo with his friends is shown in this great picture.

Lapo is at the far right of the picture. Next to him is his best friend Kevon.

Kevon is Ali's son and Ali is Kevon coach and a Caltech colleague of Simona.

Last Saturday  I prepared a letter for my family and sent it to them back at home in La Canada.

Finally in the afternoon I went to see a very good movie

I enjoying the movie "The Martian" by Ridley Scott.

The main character is played by Matt Damon.

It is a movie that tells the story of an astronaut who is part of a team of explorers sent to Mars.

During the first day of their mission, the team has to abort the mission because of a violent storm.
Matt Damon is left behind and believe dead  as it is struck by a debris.

The man survives  by adapting to leave in the base  left behind and gets back to work.

The story tells the struggle of this person in his effort to get back to his crew.

He manages to grow potatoes and vegetable.

I enjoyed the movie.

She is Morgana, as usual she is gracious to pose for a picture.

At the movie I got dibs and ice tea (the green bottle at the right hand side).
No more coke for me.

The movie was played in Atmos at the Maya theater.

It is a very good 3D sounds technology that is showing great evolution on the technology.

It is really providing an immersive sound experience. 
I like it very much. It is worth the extra money as ti costs $11 but I am saving on the drink.

My snack was $8.25.

On Sunday morning I went to church at S. Philips.
 A cloudy day and  yet a great church to go.

I enjoyed the church. 
I left a $5.00 offer.

It was said that on the 18th of this month the new church is going to be available.

On Sunday I have been preparing Pasta al forno.

Maccaroni Pasta cooked then mixed with Tomato and Basil red sauce.

In the sauce I added sliced mozzarella balls, sliced eggplant that I had prepared ahead of time.

I cover it with parmesan cheese and let it cook in the oven for 20 minutes.

Finally the broil part for about 5 minutes.

On Sunday I went also to the gym and Kyle drove me to it.

I  did my routine, however this time I rotate my work by doing it more complete and covering a lot a leg works.

I enjoyed my gym time.
Kyle brought me to the gym and was an excellent, positive and great person along the way.

Simona took the boys for a hair cut.  They have been duly "Scocuzzati" as they say in Sicily.

This morning, as everyday  I have been following my own menu.

It is a lot of healthy items. Cooked Oat meal, Organic milk,  Whole grain bread with Mesquite Organic honey and peanut butter.

A couple of coffee cups, in my favorite mug: shaped like an objective lens. I have another mugs that Simona gave to me.
I am sure you have seen it before  in this blog.
Please stay tuned for the next entry I run out of picture space on this page, please check the next page.

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