Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday October 6 2015

Let's start from the salient events of my day.
Yesterday I    made myself a very good dinner. A scramble egg frittata a side salad with spinach, chia seeds, feta cheese, tiny tomatoes. The usual Olive Oil and balsamic vinegar as a side.

NPR news of the worlds was a good companion for my dinner.
Finally I went to the gym I had Yoga with Erica and then cycle with Britney.

She is Erica always happy to see me. It is a real work out full of good moves for my body and for my muscles.

A particular move Erica told us Chaturanga.

I figure out I can google it on the web. 
This is what I found out about it.

The Chaturanga pose for Yoga looks like this picture.

After Yoga it was time for my cycle with Tiffany.

Tiffany is very didactic in her  lesson.

As a day job she is a school teacher, I can hear by the tone of her voice that she is used to teach to other people what her intentions are.

At 7pm it is time for me to go back home. Before leaving after cycle I stretched my legs and my calf.
Stretching is a very important aspect of one's body exercise. Never forget to stretch after your work out.

Arianna came to pick me up and bring me back home.

I had my nightly shower and a banana, together with my Divalproex, Trazodone and Melatonine to sleep.

I wake up  early and got ready for my day.
As I had been sneezing a lot I went to nursing asking for something about the sneezing.

It is all good. I  had a rich breakfast with  hot cereal, milk, yogurt. dark bred, peanut butter and honey,

While walking at the park this morning I noticed these beautiful flowers

This is the peaceful look of the park near the apartment.

I like walking in the morning over there and breathing calming and relaxing to get started for my day.

I met WII and greeted her. As usual she is a very nice person to greet in the morning.

Yesterday our kids went to Taekwon do 

Chicco is black belt while Lapo is senior brown.

Our kids love Taekwon-do, it keeps them busy and healthy.

Enjoy the reading.

I am working on a small project.

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