Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday October 2 2014

Yesterday morning I went to the Eye Institute in Bakersfield.

Isabelle drove me there and provided me an excellent service.

This is the Entrance of the Eye Institute (check the writing on the top wall)

I had an eye exam performed for far-sighted.  I do not wear glasses for reading.
 My feeling was confirmed by  dr. Allison Moir the Optometrist in charge of my eyes.
She prescribed me new far sighted lenses  a bit stronger than the one I have  today.

We are going to pick up  the new glasses next week with Melissa at a very convenient store called Eye-mart.

As I was at the Ophthalmologist I felt it was wise to check my eyes for any sign of glaucoma.  As a   result yesterday I wear this funny looking protective shades for my eye as my pupils got dilated by the above Medical Procedure. 

At the doctor I had a co payment of $5. I left the receipt into Jesus mailbox.
He is going to process it and get done with it.

Here is a very nice local flower for your enjoyment.

In the evening I went back to the apartment and had a good dinner.
Scrambled egg with a healthy side Arugula Salad, carrot and cucumber.

After dinner it was time for me to go to the gym

I had Zumba with Mike first and at the end cycle with Tiffany. She knows me very well and she is agreeing to be in the picture with me.

Afterward I came back to the apartment (David provided an excellent coverage, thank you David)

Back at the apartment I had a banana and my usual nigh meds: Divalproex, Trazodone and Melatonine

However I had a surprise in the form of Francisco making a lot of noise.

I followed  CNS procedure, walked at the reception and filled a Complaint form.It is attached below for your enjoyment.

You see there are forms for everything at CNS, the key is to know where to find them and be willing to walk at the reception after a showers and the night meds.

Done it yesterday, and certainly be willing to do it again whenever needed.

My breakfast is here shown for your enjoyment.
Coffee on  a mug that is shaped as a camera lens tastes really good.

After having my breakfast I did took my nice stroll in the nearby park.

Here are some beautiful pictures of the local nature.

Here is my thought of the day:
There is a huge difference between wanting something and be able to accept another one.
Right now I am stubborn in  accepting CNS @ Bakersfield as my house away from the other place.

I would looking for the newspaper of today. However one kiosk was empty while the other one had the old newspapers. 
Anyway I enjoyed my stroll in the park.

While walking over there I noticed these beautiful flowers.

I stopped and got these close-up pictures of their great shapes and colors.

Aren't they beautiful and mesmerizing?

Imagine what can be done with a 35 mm digital camera, a macro objective and all the features that come with it.

I believe the flatness of the pictures above can be overcome.

 If you look at the background it is out of focus and does not have many details. 
This has to do with the depth of field of the camera.

Well Enjoy this images. They are dedicated to all of you.

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