Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday October 7

Dear CNS and Jolanta,
isn't there supposed to be water in any of your van please?

Today both Jasmine and Johanna- your Sup-  dismissed this matter as a frivolous claim.

Well  CNS and Jolanta please make sure  every bus or sprinter complies with your own directive.

Let's come to a less frivolous matter. It is  regarding my eye glass.

Simona mentioned I should get a good frame for my eye glass, no  the cheap set that the Insurance is paying. I just need to be selecting a good frame and not be going overboard with it.
The lenses are paid by the Insurance.

We will make a wise decision.

Anyway this is my morning  breakfast: cooked Oat, yogurt, milk, peanut butter with creamy honey on a couple of dark fiber bread slices.

Of course a couple of cups of dark coffee.

This the polo shirt I am wearing today.

 It has  the Roma soccer club logo.
 It  has been brought to me from Italy by either Anna my mother in law or by Simona my wife.

Don't you agree the Pan feature on the Iphone camera works great?
Look at this panoramic view of the park near the apartment.

Good color rendition, great  clarity of detail.

Imagine what can be achieved with a good digital DSLR camera...

Let's go back to my activities of yesterday per my program.

I had my good dinner: a frittata, a good spinach salad with feta, chia and small tomatoes.
A couple of tangerine.

Finally I cleaned everything by hand and I went to the gym. I am  always there, I  seldom go to Personal Shopping as I like the gym more than Walmart. ..Personal Preference.. call it Personal Preference.

Well yesterday I had body Pump with Ellie. I focused on repetition, precision of movement rather than on the weights.

The lady at my right hand side is Ellie. She looks surprised in this picture, yet she always graciously comply.

At the gym I greeted the usual friendly people.

Finally I had Zumba with Mike. Hence I danced Zumba- smooth and rhythmic movement. I enjoy any kind of sport,

Diego drove me to the gym while Arianna came to pick me up.

Once at the apartment I did my evening routine.

A soothing shower. A banana for my body. It is a good source of Potassium needed for my muscles good functioning. Other food with Potassium are  Sweet Potatoes, Avocado, white beans. 

Enjoy the reading.

I  would like to do some more interesting work.

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