Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday October 29

This morning I had my lunch  outside,
It is a nice day a bit refreshing as the temperature is decreasing

My lunch: organic rise, salad with chicken in it, grapes and a couple of slices of breads.

Before Lunch we had Yoga with Amy as every Thursday. 

This is a great practice to  be fit and to have time to focus on one self.

I like this practice very much. I found it re-balancing for me and re-centering.

It is like Meditation is lowers my pressure so that I do not feel my shunt in my skull.
My shunt hurting  is possibly related to the current weather.

Anyway I brought stickers for Amy's daughters. It is Halloween for them after all.
Her daughters are  Madison and Olivia. Her husband is Jacob. 
His name is the English equivalent of our youngest son. 
Our youngest son  is Jacopo and his name has become Lapo over time.

This morning I saw also E.Y.  in a meeting room. She is a CR therapist of the clinic on Ashe Rd.
I also left a sticker for the daughter Sunn.
She acknowledged receiving it.

Today's beautiful Nature pictures are the following ones:

A beautiful pink flower

A beautiful orange flower 

A great tree rooted in the ground.

Yesterday evening  I came back to the apartment and distributed the new schedule of the week.
At 5pm I called the receptionist and I was connected with Sarah A. the activity coordinator for CNS.
I booked the movie outing for this Saturday.

I then went to the gym
I  had cycle with Erica. It is the last picture I am taking with her as she told me she is going to move to Ohio. I like the cycle class as it is based on balance and fitness. In the class we use static bike yet we modulate the resistance on the bike according to the instructor instructions.
It is basically simulating a real ride on the open nature.

Last picture with Erica

After  cycle I had body pump with Sylvia. She knows me by name and she is always amused seeing me working out and toward the end asking for a picture with her.
I did my best making sure that the load to my body was not too much. Focused on Repetition and precision of movement.
Staying fit means recognizing one's  body limits.
And I have my limits certainly I know when to stop. An simply enjoy what I am able to do.
She is Sylvia.

At the gym I greeted Richard, Damian and Larry.
Over the past days I let them know that Lapo had lost his first tooth.
The tooth fair came and gave him $7.00
They were all amused as they told me at their time a tooth was worth 0.50 cents.

I guess this is the power of the inflation or the power of Simona's my wife.

My weight per October 28

Anyway enjoy the reading.

I am going to work on the database  for CNS

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