Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday October 9 2015

Yesterday I prepared myself a good dinner, my great staffed peppers with a meatball.

A healthy spinach salad, rich in fiber and vegetable

After the dinner I went to the gym. It was my Zumba day with Mike.
Over there I met Lee in blue T-shirt at my right hand side.

He came to the gym yesterday as today it is his mother-in-law birthday and he will go to celebrate it in LA.

After Zumba I had cycle with Angie (here at my right hand side).

At cycle I adjusted my bike setting so that I could extend fully my legs and have a good work out.
Part of my recovery is to have my legs extending fully so that my bike sessions is providing me the most work out to me.

Angie was happy to see my and as usual she  posed for a picture with me. She kidded me that at half the class I was leaving.

And in fact I stayed until 7:15pm and finally left.

Alex was waiting for me to pick me up and drove me back to the apartment.

One of the past days I hurt my right hand foot.

I dropped my water bottle on my foot. I tell you it is a wonderful experience to try.

I took a picture of it as a Memento.

By the way this morning I was awake at 5:30am my neighbor Spanish music.
I called the sup and let them know he was bugging me.

Anyway these are the flowers of today from the CNS garden.

This panoramic view of the local park is dedicated to CNS personnel that put up with so many different characters and so many type of weird behaviors. 

This is my healthy breakfast: warm oatmeal, granola with mix-berry, milk, blueberry yogurt and a lot of coffee.

Obviously I washed everything by hand and let it dry in the dishwasher.
I run the dishwasher more often now as I  get full with more house pots and cooking tools I am using at the apartment.

Today I gave stickers to Miss. Startla for her youngest  daughter.
She has two daughters: Elissa is 5 and Serenity is 7.

She mentioned that Elisha is going to be dressed like Cindarella  while Serenity is going to be dressed  like a Zombie bride.

This morning  I called my wife and found her taking our kids to school. I talked briefly to both Chicco and Lapo. Then Lapo mentioned the phone was about to die and turned the conversation off.
I bed this what you get by having an old Iphone like Simona. My dear wife, you should by yourself a new phone.. just in case.

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