Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tuesday October 15

Well, our kids are at home while Simona is still in Boulder for a meeting at NCAR.
Simona will be coming back tonight.

I just spoke to Chicco and Lapo. They had a sandwich with tuna fist for lunch.

Chicco is helping Lapo doing his homework. Marina is with them.

Chicco and Lapo are going to Taekwondo later today, I assume Marina is taking them to Taekwondo.

My activity for today: I had Yoga activity with Amy, her daughters  Madison and Olivia are fine, her husband Jacob is keeping the family happy. They are all looking forward for Halloween.
I brought her Halloween stickers for her girls.

Many of the Yoga poses at CNS are also replicated at the 24 fitness gym where I am going. Typically I am having Yoga on Monday evening.

Today the weather is very humid and sticky.

This morning before coming to the clinic I had money management completed. Next Wednesday is my time for the receipts.

For lunch I had broccoli flowers with chicken breast according to Alex's recommendation for cooking it. All very tasty. I brought as well great red seedless grapes.

Beautiful flowers from the CNS garden courtesy of the Pan feature of my Iphone.

I am also posting these images of the local natural beauty.
The local green near the apartment

The beautiful sky for today Tuesday October the 15th 2015.

A good looking yellow flower

A great orange rose for Simona my wife.

Yesterday after distributing the latest schedule at the apartment I  got to cook. 
and at  5pm I booked for the movie this Saturday.

For dinner I cooked broccoli flower in boiling water and followed Alex's recipe  for the chicken breast.
I came out very tasty and beautifully  executed.

In the evening I went to the gym, my second home.
I had   cycle with Erica. Elongating my legs at the maximum extension and keeping my balance on the cycle. Shifting my weight from left to right. The bicycle was waiting for me and it needed little setting to go.
Here is me being happy after the gym.

Later I had body pump with Sylvia.Here is a  picture of her in yellow next to me in red.

I  focused on repetitions and making sure my body was following all Sylvia instructions.

Though-fullness breathing and enjoying the practice. Like Yoga this morning.

While at the gym I met the usual familiar faces.

I met Larry and he invited me to snap these pictures behind the wheels of his great classic car.

For a few minutes I left the gym stepped into Larry's car and then came back at the gym.

It is a great feeling to snap these  behind the wheels pictures
Thank you Larry you are a real friend.

This morning before coming to the clinic  I got this great picture of the garden near the apartment. In my mind  it is called Peace and Beauty.

Enjoy the reading.
A bit of work for Lisa is next.

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