Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27

Today my shunt hurts a lot and I had some Tylenol from Nursing.

Some time it hurts all over my skull on the right hand side.

Last night I slept very well (obviously I was tired .. a bit more below)

This morning breakfast really healthy

A good stroll in the park to greet miss WEE
Of course I went to Nursing to get a Congesta as I started sneezing.

In the meantime I had the trash thrown away as it is customary (thank you guys)

Simona has been taking the kids to school as usual.
I called them and greeted the kids a good day.
Yesterday  I  have been cooking and making  a Buon Onomastico Card for my wife Simona.
It is a small way to tell her I am thinking about her at my best.

This is the my cooking activity. I  cooked on the stove broccoli flowers.

In the oven I cooked Tilapia with  small pepper dressing.

I had my dinner a bit early and went off to the gym.

On Monday I have  Yoga with Erica, afterward I have cycle with Tiffany.

Enough of me taking a picture of them. You know very well what they look like.

At the gym  I met Damian, Larry and  his wife Janice. I  showed everybody  the picture of Lapo without his front tooth. I mentioned that he got from the Tooth fairy $10.

Everybody was surprised as they told me that at their time they had 25 cents.

I guess the power of inflation has to be factored in.

At the gym I met miss Amani. 

 I was left over there until 8:45pm when Crystal decided finally to pick me up as if it was my customary schedule.

As a result I took note of the phone for the local Bakersfield Cap company(661-889-1286).

 I am carry with me enough cash for a ride and for the Tip to the driver.

At least by calling a cab I will be thanked, called Sir and of course I will be leaving a 15% tip as customary in US. 

They  will be able to tell me when the cap is coming.

I will be released from the  unreliable service of CNS.

This morning I felt I needed to have my duvet washed.

I asked around and apparently I do not pay enough boarding school to get a cleaning service.
I clean everything in the apartment.
The latest is the baseboard full of dust..
You see as a result I have my independent cleaning done.

I left the duvet in the washer today.
I can take of my own staff.
Perhaps  I can have a discount on the rate of this boarding school.

How Am I feeling today? You can go back at the beginning of the page.

Enjoy the reading 

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