Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday October 14

Already yesterday I came back to the CNS apartment 623. As I had time to spare I  took advantage and did some cooking.

I decided it was best for me to use the Tilapia before it spoiled.

I cooked it with tiny sweet peppers. Baked in the oven and later broiled for a few minutes.

Also I prepared some grilled eggplant. I used all the basil I had together with some garlic powder and a tad of salt. It will be macerating in olive oil for a few days in the white plastic container on the left hand side. I stored the container in my fridge.

Yesterday night our youngest son Lapo was going to play soccer  while Chicco was staying at home and doing his homework. He is a very diligent person and right now he is in V grade of La Canada Elementary school. This is a very good public school back at home.

Finally I had my Tilapia dinner. As a side a salad with arugula, tiny tomatoes cucumber with Chia Seeds. Dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

After cooking I went to do Personal Shopping.

I do not go that much at Walmart as I rather prefer going to the gym instead.
Once in a while I am forced to go to Walmart as I am running out of Personal Supply.

I purchased Listerine, Axe Shower Gel, Suave Shampoo and a large container of Salt.
I  stayed on budget and everything went smoothly.

The staff at Walmart was very courteous and helpful.
I had a small bin so they let me pay at a different cash register which was a fast one.

A very good experience.

This is the park 

The flower for today is the following one.

Enjoy the Reading and please learn from it.

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