Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday October 19 first posting

Let's start the blog with my activities for the past weekend

Last Friday I went to the gym and did Zumba with Caroline, she is the lady at my left hand side.

Whenever I am taking a picture I am sending to her as she gave me her cell number as well.

She trusted me and I am only using the number for sending her the picture from the Zumba session,

At the gym I met Liz and Walter. Walter is always  doing a lot of sport at the gym.

My weight at the gym on October 16th  was 188.8lb.

I forwarded it to Melissa M. the person in charge of it.

I would like to post this picture. I called it Family.

Whenever I see these beautiful flowers I am taking pictures with my phone

Last Friday. Following the recent rains Bakersfield is being cut off from the LA basin per the newspaper. Over there it has been raining heavily.

While over there the rain turned everything into a mess, here in Bakersfield there has been a nice weekend per this pan picture taken at the park near the apartment.
I met Miss Wee and she told me her son is 30 years old.
She mentioned that the one-child-per-family policy in China is being enforced.

I met Tom W. and he showed me his latest car. He purchased a very nice Mazda.

He also allowed me to snap this picture pretending to test drive his vehicle... yet just pretending.

Last Saturday I  washed all my clothes,washed my bathrobe, my sport attire and changed the bedding. 

I dried  everything and finally did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

As always I had a lot of fun over there.
I spent $85.30 and a kind lady gave me the $5 I was missing from my money.
She was moved by pity of me trying to sort what I should leave over there and what not.
So she foot herself the extra money I was short of.

The normal routine endured: stickers and ticket for the raffle.
I have already started distributing around the tickets

Snapped my pictures with  Meredith always nice to see me.

She is Denise playing goofy with me.

At the apartment I wrote a letter to my family back home and sent  it.

With all the rain and the recent weather related mess it will be in La Canada whenever it gets there.

Of course I put a stamp before mailing. 

I run out of memory in the current posting.. let me continue on the next posting page.

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