Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday October 30

Yesterday I have been doing some cooking at the apartment. I  cooked rigatoni pasta. I used the Tomato Basil sauce  from a jar I had.

I used the grilled eggplant I made before and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

I then put the pasta on two large pans, added  sliced mozzarella balls and put it in the oven for about 20 minute. At the very end the Pasta got grilled as I switched the oven to grill for about 5 minute.

This is a good way to make a small crust on the top of the pasta.

I also have been cooking in the oven  the top sirloin steak I had. 

It  cooked for 40 minutes.

So yesterday I spent  my time cooking and then cleaning up the kitchen accurately as per the picture below.

Last night the boys were at Taekwon-do.

After Taekwon-do Lapo went back home while Chicco our eldest went to play soccer.

While I was cooking as usual I wrote to my family. 

I realized the letter had a somber and serious tone.
This is anyway  how I have been feeling lately.

Today I had my Halloween wicked breakfast.

I feel I am perfectly dressed for Halloween Carnival.
I have a shunt in my skull and it shows whenever I am moving my head.
I have a tracheotomy scar on my neck and another scar in my stomach corresponding to were my feeding tube was located.
I have a scar on my right index finger as I  have  smashed a window with my fist.
Yes, I had behavior at home in La Canada.
I am sure I forgot a few more items along the way.
Let's switch to another subject.
Here are my pictures for today November the 30th.

The moon in the sky

Flowers at the apartment.

I like taking pictures of the flowers as they are a beautiful expression of balance and of creativity genius.

I find the color of these flowers particularly appealing.

At the apartment the whole maintenance department was dressed for Halloween.

Here is a funny picture I took this morning. It comes from the guys that every morning make me crack a laugh. I appreciate you all for your efforts.

Enjoy the reading.

Today at AAC there is lunch offered.

But I brought my own lunch far healthier and as I like it.

I am calling it eating on my terms.
Healthy pasta (see yesterday) a great salad a couple of fruits.

No surprise 

During lunch Simona and I talked over the phone.
Today she is teaching at Caltech University at 1pm.
Our kids are busy. Our eldest Chicco is going to play tennis while Lapo our youngest is going to see him playing.

Next is my work on the database for CNS courtesy of the Research Department 

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