Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28 Wednesday Simona's Onomastico

Today it is Simona's Onomastico.
Yesterday I prepared a card for her and wrote a letter to my boys. I sent it to La Canada where we reside.

In the letter I am mentioning about my feelings of not being able to be with them anytime soon.
My body is refusing to get stronger. My shunt has been started  hurting again.
Today Melissa mentioned I should drink a lot of water during my day.

Yesterday evening Chicco was home doing his homework and Lapo our youngest went to play soccer with his best friend Kevon. The soccer's team trainer is Ali a good friend of the family.

I cooked myself a very healthy dinner. Chicken breast. The chicken was first seared on a pan and then let cooking in the oven for 40 minute.  This is Alex's recipe.

As a side I prepared quick cook integral rice from Trader Joe's.

I also cooked the eggplant I had. First thinned sliced and baked in a pan.
The eggplant was let soaking in a plastic container with Olive Oil, basil and garlic powder.
It is will be soaking for a day or so and then ready to eat. Typically I am using in a salad.
The  weather is still in the mid 20C before plunging lower next week. I will figure out something 

A breakfast in family.

Later Simona took the boys to school.

The boys are always busy. 
Today the boys have piano lesson 

Of course I did my routine today.
I  have been trowing the trash.
Got money management done. Obviously as I was home on the weekend I only spent money for my grocery shopping while my outing money was left as it is ($24)

This morning we had the  pruning service going on in the park, it is called Certified Quality Pruning.
As a result a lot of dust and commotion.

As I went to the park and came back to the apartment the sprinklers were on as a result I got all wet.
How hard is to turn on the sprinklers once everybody has left the premises please?
I feel this is not a  rocket science matter  it is just a matter of having common sense.

Enjoy the reading.

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