Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday October 19 second posting

Last Saturday evening after the cleaning experience and grocery shopping I went to see a very nice movie. It is called Bridge of Spies by Steve Spielberg and  with Tom  Hanks.

A good movie about the cold war and a swap of prisoners occurring in the Soviet Union.
I enjoyed very much the show. I had dibs and ice tea.

Last Saturday my sister Isabella sent me this picture of the sky in Spain where she is currently spending some of her time. Great colors palette and a great vision of the sky.

I took some great pictures myself about the local flowers. They are really great shapes and great colors. 

Last Sunday October 18 I went to S.Philips church at the English mass at 10:30am.

This is the church as as seen from the inside. It is almost finished.

There are a few things that are still missing. 

The baptismal font at the entrance is still missing.
Ms. Sanchez said it will be ready in a few weeks.

My mom says "Panta Rei" (it means in Greek "everything changes")

This is the church from outside 

After church I had time to cook a great  Lentil soup. 

Celery, carrots, onions, lentil and water.

When the broth was ready  I added some Basmati rice.

Finally Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

After eating at 2pm it was time for me to go to the gym.
O did my independent gym program.

I worked on 3.2 miles of stepper at level 7, Leg Press 3x20x60lb

On Sunday I  wrote again to my family, I know what you are all thinking: this guy is writing to his family every weekend.

Ye, I am looking forward to write to my boys every weekend, it is an activity that I enjoy doing. This is why I am doing it independently.

Enjoy the reading.

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