Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday October 22

Yesterday I went  to Dr Jue for a dental appointment.
I had a cleaning of my teeth performed by Desire.
She took a couple of X-ray imaging of my teeth.

Finally Dr Jue came checked my mouth and tongue for any suspect lamp.
Once he considered to be done he gave me a clean bill of health.
Only Miss Violette  an NRS from CNS came to my appointment.

 I came back to the apartment.  as there was the Halloween Carnival later in the afternoon I took the chance of doing a few things.
I wrote to my family the letter below. I mentioned them I am committed to come back to them when it is time to leave.

I  wash all my clothes and dried so that all my attire is cleaned.

Finally it was time for me to go to the  Halloween Carnival.  I had a lot of fun, it was organized very well and everybody from CNS made sure we had a great time. Or I had  a great time myself.

I met many familiar person all very good with me.
There were many people from my past times.

She is Lucy. She is Amanda and Briana's mom

Lucy is Daniel's mom.

At the party I met  Briana. Briana is one of Lucy's daughters  and used to work at CNS.

At the party we had   a great time.
I eat well and had a took care of taking care of the local activities.

As I purchased tickets for the raffle I was lucky to win the  Kindle Fire  below.
I have not started playing with it yet.
I was thinking of giving it to my boys next time I am seeing them.

Last night I slept with my ear plugs and finally reached the REM phase.

I wake up naturally at 6am fully rested.

I had a good breakfast. 

I did my second part of the Money Management Program   today ($24 for outing and $75 for grocery). I went down the park near the apartment to take a stroll.

I met Wii yet today I did not follow here in the grass so that my shoes are clean and dry.

I walked a couple of ramps of stairs to thrown the bag of trash that Doug let me find to help me.

It is a good action I am doing with great pleasure and sense of fulfillment as it helps me getting better.

I walked near some great flowers and I could not resist taking these beautiful pictures.

Enjoy the reading.

Thank you CNS 

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