Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday May 8 morning posting

Yesterday I have received my fine mesh colander I kindly asked house keeping to provide me.

I am planning to use it to wash the  lentils for the upcoming soup I am cooking today.

For dinner at the apartment I have been preparing a frittata with the  Zucchini rice I had in the apartment.

I followed Anna's recipe: Zucchini rice, a couple of eggs and bread crumble for  the bottom of the pan.

I added also some bread crumble at the top.

I made sure it was fully cooked.. it is a yummy recipe to keep handy.
The recipe was calling for flipping the frittata with the cover.. I did not dare to do it as I did not want to clean the floor ...Yet it came out really good!

I called it Kalos Kai Agathos .. 

While  I was cooking I wrote a letter to Simona and our kids for mother's day.

Yesterday I sent it to her in La Canada 660 Pomander Place.
I am sure they are going to read it with a lot of pleasure.  It is similar to when I am receiving mail from my family I cherish it very dearly.

I like to write to my family as much as possible.  It is an act of kindness and strength  for them  all.

I then went to the gym for my Zumba training with Mike,
My new subscription worked great  and I am set to go for another year.

After Zumba I did strength training with Lee Anne. Lee Anne is the lady working hard at my left hand side.

She  is  Charity and she is always  nice with me.

While at the gym I greeted Wayne as well. He is a good buddy of mine. We snapped a picture smiling and he is  at my right hand side.

I showed Wayne the picture of our family for Chicco's confirmation, the boys has their bow ties for church.
He mentioned that I am lucky as I have a very good looking family.

Thank you CNS for allowing me to go over there.

Afterward I returned back to the apartment.
Started the procedure for my evening: a good relaxing shower, a piadina snack, a good thought to my wife Simona.

Evening medication and I was ready to go to bed,

I slept very well and as usual I woke up today at 6am as usual (my body is getting up).
I greeted Brian at the reception and wished him a good day.

I got a good healthy breakfast: blueberry kefir, blueberry with flakes and milk. Finally  a good oatmeal and couple of cups of coffee. 
Always having breakfast with my family's picture in front of me.

As usual this morning I went to greet Jarron and Caesar at the maintenance shop and snapped a selfie.

I  went up the stairs to trow the trash that normally is prepared for me (thank you CNS) got at the reception to get the newspaper money, walked at the park to get the newspaper at the furthest kiosk and finally got ready for the bus, I crossed the street been mindful of the upcoming traffic.

I called Simona my wife at 9am she is normally at Starbucks to get her morning mocha.

She mentioned that today she has a really packed day. She is Assistant Professor at Caltech University in Pasadena. 

I also have brought stickers to Amanda for Mother's day as Sunday May 10 is Mother Day celebration

I am doing all these actions trying to being mindful and in the moment of my actions.

Lunch is next.
I am going to call Lapo at home he is going to be eating something really yummy that Anna -my mother in law- has prepared for him.

Simona has a packed day so I will call her and leave her a voice mail.
Enjoy the reading

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