Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday May 19

Yesterday it was my Yoga day at the gym

Erica at my left hand side is as usual my Yoga teacher.

I also snapped a picture with Charity 

And before leaving with Kaia ( she is going to be 20 years old on the 21st of the month)

Kyle drove me to the gym and after an hour of coverage it was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

As usual before going to bed I had  a Piadina

This morning I wake up early as usual got my breakfast..

Afterward  I went to have my daily  goofy picture at the maintenance shop.

Today James allowed me to use the radio.. So I could  place a call with the radio.

I called my wife Simona to let her know I was OK.

She mentioned that today our little one decided to go to school as he suddenly was feeling better..
Meditation is next.

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