Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday May 7

Yesterday afternoon I came back to the apartment and I started cooking.

I have been preparing breaded chicken thighs panned sired. Rolled in bread crumble and seasoned to provide flavor. As a side I had from the previous day some zucchini rice. I like cooking for myself. I have always enjoyed cooking. I am not as good as Anna my mother in law. Anna has a wonderful mastering of the art and science of the  kitchen.  My wife  Simona is always busy so Anna is taking care of the kitchen activities and  I am cooking for myself (IOP means independent).

I am doing the best and healthiest choices at the grocery store. Paying attention to the expiration date for the items I have in the fridge.

I shop at Trader Joe's where everybody knows me.

Yesterday Chicco went to play Tennis while Lapo was at home with Anna my wonderful mother in law. She mentioned that the Lady bugs I brought to the boys have been set free in the garden.

I cleaned everything before leaving.. (got the memo about cleaning)
As water is a premium in California I do not use the dish washer at all. I wash everything with a detergent and a sponge. Far more ecological than using a machine, it is used only for letting my dishes to dry out.

After a small dinner I went to the gym.  I had cycle. As Angie got into a car accident Pete took over the class. Pete is here on my left hand side wearing a Yellow T-Shirt.

After cycle I also did body pump with Silvia. 

I did not charge my body too much and I focused on repetitions and movements.
In  fact today I am feeling great.

Finally at 7pm it was time to leave. 
Reyes took me to the gym and back to the apartment.

Before leaving I snapped this picture with Keila and Amanda.

And my last picture of the gym is with Charity.

Yesterday my membership had expired but they let me in anyway.
I called Simona my wife to let her know. She promptly renew it on line.  Same deal as last year.
The deal  on line trough Costco is the same.
I already received the notice for my renewal,  hence for this year I am all set to go.

Once at  home I took a shower got my evening meds and then got an evening snack:

A yummy piadina: mortadella with pita bread.

I slept very well. Last night.

I have been notified that I have a   a new RTC (Residential Treatment Coordinator)  his name is Jesus A. Renee V. is transitioning out.
This remind me that I had Melanie M. before Renee and now I have Jesus.
Well this clearly shows I am staying for a bit longer.
This morning's breakfast has been rich and very healthy

Kefir, milk, oatmeal, blueberry, flakes and coffee.
As I mentioning to Simona my wife many time don't you worry about me... I have Mastercard with me so I am set to go...

This my morning's picture:

Bunny ears for Lapo our youngest son.

At the Enrichment Adult Center I read the newspaper ( I am focusing on the world news and on the local news). There is a very goood article about the disaster of the German Wing Airplane on the French Alps and then on the international ISIS situation.
I like keeping up with thew news of the world. 
As local news there is an article about the on going drought. It is a serious problem here in California.. Anyway it is the fourth years ..

Enjoy the reading.

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