Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday May 13 morning

The other night I have prepared pizza at the apartment.

The pizza dough was already done as I purchased it at Trader Joe's.

I dressed the pizza with burrata cheese and oil soaked eggplant.
Finally a lot of basil and some olive oil.

With the olive oil  I soaked the outskirt crust.

This is the result of the pizza.. relatively well behaved and absolutely well cooked.

The peeler is a present from Bob a friend of our family.

Simona is going to Washington DC to the senate. She  is to speak to the legislators to explain them the current status of the global climate. A very important mission assigned her by Caltech.

At home we have Anna my mother in law taking care of the boys.
Simona mentioned that when she is coming back she is going to bring a small souvenir to the whole family.

While Simona is away I am doing my best to keep the boys busy and well motivated.
For instance I  wrote them a nice letter (in English and block letters)  and sent it yesterday. 

They are going to receive it within the next few days.

Yesterday evening I went to do Personal Shopping at Walmart. Gage drove us over there.
I am now stocked for the next several weeks.

As I was there I  purchased a happy birthday card for Steve as today Steve turns 72.

I brought it to the centers and started collected signatures from everybody.

Steve is a nice person and I am making this gesture of courtesy as he is a real inspiration.
This is the card.

My breakfast today has been very fulfilling and  healthy as usual.

Granola with milk, Kefir, oatmeal and coffee. Of course I chewed slowly enjoying the moment.

Afterward I stopped to the Maintenance guys workshop to say hi to James and Caesar ( they were both leaving early this morning).

I saw Jarron, greeted him, asked about Junior his son.

I  chatted with Jarron. He confirmed that his family has French origins as his name is revealing to me.

As usual he snapped a funny picture of me fixing my loose screws.

I am always kidding with the whole crew over there.

Enjoy the reading.

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