Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday May 20 posting

Well this is a beautiful day in California, a bit brisk but the sun is going to warm it up.

Today Lapo our youngest son is going to go on a field trip with the school.
They are going to visit a strawberry farm.  I am sure he is going to have a fun day.

Lapo had to pack his lunch for the whole day.
I am sure he is going to have a fun  and constructive experience. My guess is that they will let him pick some strawberries to bring back home. This was my experience when we went to visit a local strawberries farm in Bakersfield.

Simona is still busy at Caltech with her workshop coming to an end. This morning she called me to let me know about her schedule and about Lapo's schedule for the whole day.

Going back to my activities of  yesterday , I came back  to the apartment and cooked  a wonderfully seasoned fillet Mignon, with a healthy spinach salad, carrot and parsley.

Tostadas from Simona, sparkling water with coffee on it.

I then cleaned my dishes, packed my lunch for today and  then went off to the gym. I  had body pump with Ellie and as usual I snapped a picture with her, she is the lady at my right hand side.

I did my exercise well, without charging my body  too much, focusing more on the repetition and on the movement. In fact today I am feeling perfectly well.

before leaving I also snapped a picture  with the whole crew over there. In the picture below we have  Jessica at my left hand side (blonde girl) . Keila is the lady with black hair at m left. The guy is Johnny another instructor.

Yvette took me to the gym and waited there until I was done, this is called coverage.

She asked me why I was taking so many pictures, and I explained her the reason.

At the gym I greeted Yolanda, Gloria two very gentle ladies that have been working out with me.

After the gym I had a wonderful Piadina (always eating ...:) and snapped this picture with Simona my wife, who is always in my heart.

Our kiddos had their Piano lesson yesterday. Lapo had his first practice together with Litz and Chicco went afterward. Chicco (9 years) is more independent that Lapo as he is 3 years older. 

I slept very well and wake up at 6 am as usual.

I  had a very healthy breakfast (milk, blueberry kefir, Oatmeal, cereal, blueberry) and of course coffee.  While lessening to NPR radio. Chewing slowly and keeping my level of alertness of my action at the maximum. 

I then went to grab the newspaper and to kid at the maintenance shop department.
Over there Jarron helped me out to take this picture of me cleaning the floor and making bunny hears!

He knows that I am  a  Paparazzi nature.

I finally went back, found the trash that Paul had left me to throw away (thank you Paul).. Stairs up and down with some weight is good for my legs in the morning.

As usual at the AAC clinic today I worked hard by reading the newspapers to the whole crew of people.
There is an interesting article about the Bees colonies that have been collapsing in California. As a result the people involved in the bee hives industries are concerned as different agencies are looking for the probable cause of this situation. 

Also climate changes is in the news, as the drought is clearly another important condition in California, as it affects the local farming production of food.

Water conservation is really important, Governor Brown is working hard in finding measures to conserve. Watering the grass is now restricted  to three days a week.

Enjoy the reading.

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