Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Morning May 15 2015

Happy day! It is 5-15-15 date day .

It is a good day here in Bakersfield.
Yesterday rain has been a welcomed water relieve for the whole area.
Yet more and more will be needed for this year.

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and prepared myself a nice egg frittata with summer squash risotto.

I cooked on both side and applied bread crumble per Anna's suggestion.

I cut it in quarters to turn it around and cook it on both side.

As usual I call it "Kolos Kai Agathos".

It is a collaboration between Giuseppe (me)  and Anna (my wonderful mother in law).

I prepared it always with Simona my wife watching over my  cooking activities.

Anna was impressed with my schedule. While she was taking care of the kiddos she mentioned that perhaps eggs for dinner is  too heavy on the stomach. As I let her know that my dinner is typically at 4:30 pm before the gym .. she mentioned to me it was then OK having eggs for dinner.

Afterward I had my dinner at 4:30 pm as I am having dinner always before going to the gym.

I chewed it slowly focusing on  my awareness of what I was doing. I then cleaned everything washing it by hand and went to the gym.

I talked with Anna my mother in law. She mentioned that our kiddos were off to Taekwon-do.

Our kiddos are always busy with many acitivies and many homework.

At the gym it was my Zumba day with Mike. 

I invite my wife Simona to the gym to do Zumba with me, she mentioned her Zumba has just finished as she was on her business trip to DC.

After Zumba I started doing strengthening with Lee Anne here pictured at my left hand side.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity as well. She is lady at my right hand side standing next to me.

Finally at 7pm  it was time for me to leave. I call the apartment to let them know I was ready for pick up and Adriana came to bring me back to the apartments. (Thank you CNS)

The usual evening routine then followed..
Showers, an evening piadina and yogurt snack.. ( always eating in front of Simona my wife)

I am happy that my wife Simona came back from  her mission to Washington DC safe.

She mentioned that her visit was very very well organized and that it was a very positive experience for her.

She  went to the Congress to meet with the California Senators to talk about Climate issues.

 Simona is  Professor at Caltech Institute of Technology. Her field is Environmental Science and Engineering.

Climate change is transforming the way we approach the environment and the way we deal with the existing natural resources, mainly water, hence in California this is a really important topic.

This morning I had a really healthy breakfast, as usual: kefir, yogurt, milk, granola and oatmeal.
Finally a couple of cups of coffee.

I then got ready for my work day.
I have thrown the trash that is  left for me (thank you CNS walking up and down the stairs works great).

I then went to grab the newspaper in the park next to the apartment. 
Finally I was back to greet Jarron and Caesar and to snap my daily picture.

The theme's of today's picture is "Ready to be shipped"

As I have brought my rain coat today, in its pocket I found the following map.

It is for the city of Shangai
I went in China as a part of my job at AltaSens. It was most likely related to business related matter. In fact for  any production and manufacturing matter we had dedicated people involved with it.

Enjoy the reading. .. time for lunch.

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