Friday, May 15, 2015

Thank you CNS

Dear Amanda, Jolanta, Jesus and all CNS,
on behalf of my family I would like to share my positive view on your hard work.

I would like to convey to you all my profound thank you for a job well done.

It is a process that I come to realize slowly with time as you all know very well.

In a nutshell you must be very proud of your excellent organization and extremely altruistic view of your work.

You are make me feel well taken care of and well liked here  at  AAC.

With a profound sense of gratitude, my God bless you all.

Simona is well,  Lapo is doing great at home with Anna my mother in law.
Chicco is growing happy and strong as well. This afternoon he is going to play tennis, if it does not rain.

Simona is back from her trip to Washington DC and she is already very busy at Caltech.
What a woman.

Have a great weekend and looking forward to see you next week.


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