Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday May 21 post lunch

I had a good lunch under the porch outside. It is a gloomy day..despite the lack of sun, I enjoyed my immersion in the nature surrounding the AAC.

On the far end of the garden there are always a couple of cats sleeping or playing.

It is a very relaxing and peaceful view.

I had a good frittata with peas on it. Also tostadas and Tuscan Kale.

As always I called home. Lapo was eating a  Salmon panino. Salmon, cream cheese on bread.

Lapo sounded really good on the phone.. He mentioned that yesterday he went on a school trip.  Lapo went to visit  a strawberries field. Ad the end of the day he was given a basket full of strawberries and he  liked it very much.

this afternoon with his brother Chicco the boys are going to Taekwon do lesson.

While chatting with Anna and Lapo we talked about Simona my wife. Today she is very busy at Caltech with her workshops and her visitors keeping her day very hectic.

Well enjoy the reading..

Q: What happened to the plant after a math class?
A:It grew square roots.

And now some Luminosity.

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