Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday May 4 2015

Last Friday we went to the White Forest Nursery with Matt.

I had a nice day browsing around the nursery. Sara here at my right hand side was very nice to me and made sure I had a really good experience.

I have got Lady Bugs for the boys

I also got flowers for Simona and brought back home to her.
They are beautiful and orange.. the gift from my heart and my love to her.
She liked the present.

Over the weekend I went home in La Canada and Chicco got his Confirmation done, 
As mentioned before I had purchased these flowers for Simona. Chicco was gracious to pose for me for a picture.

Over the weekend Chicco got his confirmation done at S.Bede Church in La Canada. 
The boys are ready and dressed up for the event.

Simona brought me a present from her last trip to NY.

Anna is at my right hand side and she was Chicco's sponsor.
The boys are dressed very smartly with white shirt and a  bow tie.

This is a picture with Stephanie at my right hand side.
Stefanie is a deacon at S.Bede Church in La Canada and she has been following Chicco's preparation  at church. 

While at S.Bede Church I was sitting with Lapo (Lapo is here wearing a white T-shirt as he had decided it was too hot to stay dressed formally like his brother).

At Church I greeted Don Antonio as well, he is a priest at church. Don Antonio speaks fluent Italian as he is from a city near Rome. He is a great person and he gave me a  special blessing. He knows all our family and he knows that our family relies on Simona's strength and on her mom Anna commitment to help Simona and hence to help our family in US.

After confirmation Chicco changed and went to play tennis at the Rose Bowl while Simona and I were enjoy some time in Old Town Pasadena to grab a Coffee at Intelligentsia Coffee. As we were there Simona checked some stores for her. I have changed myself as well.

Lapo stayed at home with Anna my wonderful mother in law.

In the evening we went to eat a Pizza at the Settebello Pizzeria in Pasadena a wonderful place where we go to eat a good Italian Style thin pizza. I had a good margerita with Burrata, the kids had  two margerita pizza.

A wonderful appetizer was before the pizza.

I finally had a wonderful Cannolo Siciliano.

The Saturday was done. We went home and slept. Simona had a relaxing night.

On Sunday we went back to Church at S.Bede as Chicco had his Catechism.

Afterward Chicco had Tennis practice in a private Tennis club in La Canada. A beautiful place called Club Valley Hunt. It is clearly a place for very well to do people of the area.

Anyway we met Chicco's friend Sienna and her parent Darren and Julia. Very nice persons.

As I already went to church twice over the weekend I did not go this time.

On my way back to Bakersfield we stopped to grab some food for me at Trader Joe's.

Over there I snapped a picture with Simona on my right and Jamie at my far right next to Simona. Jamie knows me very well and was surprised to see over there together. She was very gracious as usual with us.

Enjoy the reading.

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