Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday May 21 2015

This morning it is a cool day in Bakersfield, there are clouds and the sun is still covered in the sky.

It is all good.

Simona call me to tell me the boys are already at school and to let me know she is busy at Caltech with many visitors.
So I am set for the day and ready to go. I will be finding Lapo at home today after his field trip at a local farm where he picked some strawberries.

I had my money management done earlier  this morning.. thank you CNS.

At the AAC, I read the newspaper with the current event  and brought stickers for Mariola. Mariola is Jolanta's sister.
Jolanta is my Case Manager at AAC.

Mariola is doing better and better and I  believe she starts to remember my name.

Yesterday Iolanta - my Case Manager at AA- sent me the following words that I am copying over (I asked at AAC if it is OK to copy and paste)

Giuseppe, Thank you very much for your positive thoughts, they are very well appreciated. 
We are here for you and to support you. This is not an easy journey. We all need to look ahead and change things we can change and accept things we can not. Changes in life are not always easy but they happen and we can make them easier or harder depending on our outlook. Generally being positive, open for communication little flexible makes things easier. Being stubborn, rigid gets us nowhere. 
We all make choices for better or worst. 

Yesterday as usual after the therapy at CNS I went to the gym, it was Cycle with Angie. She is doing fine back on track after her recent car accident. She mentioned that she purchased a second hand sturdy car - a Nissan truck.
After the class we snapped a funny picture with bunny hears.

After cycle I had time to do body pump with Silvia, here at my left hand side.

I did use some good weight without charging my body too much. And in fact today I am fine.

Silvia is the lady at my left hand side. She was amused by me getting back to the gym to snap a picture of her.

Obviously before leaving the  gym I took a last picture  with Charity.

Kyle brought me to the gym dropped me off and came back to pick me up at 7pm.

it was time for me to go back to the apartment.
Get ready for my evening routine:
shower, a late snack a healthy piadina.

I had a good night of sleep and I woke up as usual at 6:30am..

When I woke up I did some Yoga work I learnt at CNS: massaging my fingers and my hands.

I stretched my legs and my back.

I had my good breakfast and did my morning routine, I am totally independent on this matter.

This is my very balanced morning breakfast: milk, protein, blueberry and kefir.

Afterward.  I cleaned everything by hand -save the water. Also  I did my money management at the office, got the newspaper money- I am reading the newspaper at AAC.

I  went to say hi to the Maintenance guys.. As I was there I snapped this great picture of me pretending to call Simona. 

In  fact after a few minutes later Simona called me to let me know our kiddos  were already at school.
She also mentioned that today she is going to be another very busy day for her.
She has many visitors at Caltech University. Simona has a very demanding job at Caltech and she is doing it at her very best.
Enjoy your reading.. it is time for lunch.

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