Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday May 18 2015

Last Friday I sent Amanda the following positive message, I am copying and pasting the following email:

Dear Amanda, Jolanta, Jesus and all CNS,
on behalf of my family I would like to share my positive view on your hard work.

I would like to convey to you all my profound thank you for a job well done.

It is a process that I come to realize slowly with time as you all know very well.

In a nutshell you must be very proud of your excellent organization and extremely altruistic view of your work.

You are make me feel well taken care of and well liked here  at  AAC.

With a profound sense of gratitude, my God bless you all.

Simona is well,  Lapo is doing great at home with Anna my mother in law.
Chicco is growing happy and strong as well. This afternoon he is going to play tennis, if it does not rain.

Simona is back from her trip to Washington DC and she is already very busy at Caltech.
What a woman.

Have a great weekend and looking forward to see you next week.

I have been preparing Staffed peppers at the apartment.

While making it I realized I can follow the same recipe to make polmettine. I am using ground beef, bred crumble, a couple of eggs, spice -salt and peppers. 

I have realized that by rolling the whole filling again in bread crumble I can made really good polpettine.

As usual I have been cooking in the oven first for a about 40 minute, then  for the last 10 minute I have been broiling it.

Finally at 5:45 pm it was time for me to go to the gym. I had U Jam with Naomi, she is the lady at my left hand side.

At the gym I met Lee who is a contractor that worked for JPL. As he was curious about my Caltech hat we talked about Simona and I showed him a picture of my family.

Before leaving I greeted Charity and snapped a picture with her. She is always greeting me with a smile. Charity  is the lady at my right hand side.

I met Larry and Janice as well.

. On Saturday May 16  morning I spent time cleaning all the apartment. Washing my clothes, bedding sheet and bath robe.

I had time to clean all the dust, cleaning all the carpets and making sure I cleaned all the corners around the apartment.

In addition I  cleaned the bathroom, floor included (so much dust).

It is good to be cool!

At 10am I went to do my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

It is always a lot of fun for me going there.

He  is Daniel goofing with me and making me a good pair of bunny ears.


At the right hand side Denise is smiling.

I also greeted Lacey, she is the smiling lady at my right hand side.

I met Dante, who is the little son of  Tabi.

My grand total was $ 96.40. A lot of fun, as usual. Stickers for everybody and a ticket for the raffle for Simona as I brought back my reusable brown bags.

Thank you Kyle for driving.

On Saturday I also have written a letter home to my family

The core of my letter is "I am very blessed for all you help".

As usual it is written in English and block letter. As usual as our boys read English and block letter.

They will be receiving it  this week,
I am sure they appreciate it, I love writing as much as possible letters. 

at 6:30pm I went to see a good movie. Mad Max.

It is a nice story of a strong woman that pursuit her feeling for doing the write things.

Her  name is Furiosa here showing her strong will at my right hand side..

As usual I snapped a picture of Morgana after getting bids and a coke (only at the movie theater)
I am having cherry coke as it is a good treat for me.

At the movie I have also greeted Roger who recognizes me and greets me every time.
I  have also greeted Shawn who was busy working and mentioned his son is doing well.

On Sunday morning I  kept cleaning the whole apartment by running the vacuum cleaner and washing all the floor tiles.

At 11am I then went to do recycle, I had not much at all nevertheless enough to make it to $1.00. 

At 2pm I went to the gym. Lina took me to the gym.
I did step master, Leg and abdominal as on Sunday there are no classes.
I followed the suggestion I have for doing my independent PT.

Before  leaving I snapped a picture with Charity, she is always a good and positive person with me.

I then went back home and got me a good pesto fusilli pasta. As a side I had spinach, carrot and tomatoes.

Finally in the evening it was time to go to S.Francis Church.

As usual going to church is an uplifting experience for me.
Alex drove to church and everything  went well.

Last Sunday it was the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.

We then went home and my weekend was over.

Over the weekend I washed my red stripe shirt so it was ready for me to use it again.

This morning this is a picture of me getting ready for my day together with my family on the left hand side.

As usual a very balanced breakfast: cereals, blueberry, milk, Kefir, oatmeal, and coffee.

Before taking the bus at 9:30 for the Adult Activity Center (the old clinic) I  helped Jarron having a good day.

A quick snap 

This week Simona is busy and unable to answer to my phone call, She confirmed it to me this morning.
As usual I am going to call Lapo at home, and leave a phone message to my wife.

I am sure everything is fine,

Enjoy the reading.

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