Friday, May 29, 2015

Thursday March 28

Well, yesterday I came back to the apartment and got down cooking  Polpettine (meat ball) turkey ground meat, seasoned, added bread crumble and a couple of eggs. I have been following my mother in law recipe. Her name is Anna and she is a really big help for our family. She is taking care of the whole house and of our kiddos, by following their homework activities. Anna is also a very good chef in the house, always full of good suggestions. I am very open to her inputs and tips.

I have been preparing a few, separated the one I am eating from the others.
I put in the freezer the ones I am not eating . Anna - my wonderful mother in law- mentioned they are really suited for freezing and reusing at a later time.

While I was cooking I have been writing to my family. My kids are  out of school and will have time to read all my letters.

I like writing to them, as always in English and block letters. It makes me feel connected to them and anyway these letters will remain to them when they will grow up.

Both Chicco and Lapo are going to start a new year by the mid of August, in about a month an a half.

Our eldest Chicco  will be going to V grade while our youngest Lapo will be starting I grade at La Canada Elementary school. This is a public school that regularly ranks high in the local  public schools district.

Yesterday in the afternoon I went to the gym.

Lapo our youngest one passed his belt test at Taekwondo. Congratulation Lapo.

Norberto the sup took me to the gym. 

As the floor was closed it game me the opportunity to work on my favorite machine.

I did 2 mile on the stepper at level 7
I worked on my abdominal 3 x 85lb
I did  leg extension 3x50lb
Finally stretching and it was time to leave the gym.

At 7pm Norberto came to pick me up.

Obviously at the gym they all know my program.
And they gladly are all kidding with me and making sure I am fine and dandy.

As always Charity was so courteous to snap a picture with me. She is the smiling lady at my right hand side.  

Finally I came back at the apartment, checked in and got a late snack.
A late Piadina with Simona's smile next to me is always a good Piadina.

She is such a wonderful person.

My brother Francesco called me the other day. He mentioned that with his wife Sara they are going for a weekend to Firenze. This is part of their wedding present. 
They were given tickets to enter the Uffizi.
It is a very good wedding present. 

It allows them to choose the time that best suits their life.

Today at the AAC I have brought back to Amanda a welcome note as yesterday she was sick. 
She is still working through her cough, but I am sure she is going to be fine by Monday.

Here is the riddle of the day.

Q: What goes around and around the wood but never goes into the wood?

A: The bark on a tree.. Cute!

My breakfast this morning has been very balanced: oatmeal, blueberry, milk, flakes, kefir 

Afterward I have cleaned everything by hand (save the water)

Got outside - doing my stair work- grabbing the newspaper in the kiosk the farthest away in the park.

Finally I snapped a bunny ear  picture for Lapo.

I called Simona my wife, left a good voice mail to her to mentioned I am well and well taken care of.
She is absolutely busy at Caltech University.
Her job is a very demanding one. Anna mentioned that she is sleeping very little as she has to work a lot -preparing her lectures, doing her research job- the family.

I have realized I lost the picture of the boys in my phone. 
So I have snapped a picture of the framed one I have at the apartment.

Our boys are very happy and so cute with their bow tie.

Enjoy the reading.

Tomorrow Simona comes to pick me up.


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