Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday May 14

It is a brisk day here in Bakersfield.

I took a cold shower this morning (caledarium and frigidarium approach)... so I am fully awake.

Yesterday evening I made Fillet Mignon with a healthy salad.

Chicco went to play tennis while Lapo was staying at home with Anna, my wonderful mother-in-law.

I wrote to our boys a nice and rewarding letter.

Dear family I am very proud of all your love and support.
Love Dad.

After dinner I went to the gym where Angie was back at work. Angie is the lady at my right hand side, at her right we have Pete who has been replacing Angie for the last couple of weeks. She had a car accident and a mild concussion. She mentioned she was T-boned by another car's while she was driving her in Bakersfield.

After cycle I did body pump with Sylvia and at 7pm it was time to go back to the apartment. 
 This time I did not charge my self too much at body pump. I stayed light and focused on doing repetition and keeping my movement in the safe range. And in fact today I am feeling great.

Reyes did my coverage while at the gym.
Obviously before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity She is the smiling lady at my left hand side.
She greeted me by saying good bye and see you  the next time

Charity always calls me sweaty.. it is fine for me and for Simona as well.

At the gym I greeted Amanda and she told me "Bye Joseph".
After the gym I went back to the apartment, got a soothing shower and a late snack.
Finally I got my evening meds  (Divalproex, Trazodone and Melatonine) and went to bed.
I sent and email to Simona my wife to let her know I was safe and back at home.

This morning I wake up early as usual and went off my morning routine.

I called home Anna my mother in law to let her know I am fine and as the boys were still sleeping I asked her please to wish them for me a good day. 
My wife Simona is still in Washington DC for a meeting with the legislator on behalf of Caltech University. She is an Associate Professor of Science of the Atmosphere at Caltech.

My healthy breakfast while lessening to NPR. 

Newspaper, trash that I always find  ready for me and I am thanking CNS for allowing me for carrying a light weight up and down the stairs.. (thank you it is appreciated =)  )

Also I went to the maintenance guys to  greet Jarron, Caesar and James the whole maintenance crew.
I have kidded with them as usual and exchange some good laugh. 

Today is Bunny hears picture for the boys.

I had money management today at the reception so I got paid my weekly allowance.
As Yesterday I had requested some extra money ($40) Jesus A.  my IPC (Innovation Program Coordinator) approved it as well.

It is all well. At AAC I read the newspaper to other patients there are a lot of good local news related to Kern County and Virgin Galactic,

Time to eat lunch. 
Enjoy the reading.
Simona cuidate mucho.

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