Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday May 1st 2015

Let's go back to my activities of yesterday Tuesday April 30th. As the therapy for me is to  build up my activities for the past day. This is why I am attaching pictures of my activities so that it builds up new improved connections in my poor brain.

First of all, I wrote to my son a nice letter as he is going to be doing his confirmation tomorrow at S.Bede in La Canada., a very rich and affluent county in Los Angeles.

Before  going to the gym I had a good salad with spinach, chia seeds, avocado and sardine.

Afterward I went to the gym to do Zumba with Mike,  I had time to do strengthening with Lee Anne, a good strengthening exercise for my legs. 

Lee Anne  is the smiling person at my left hand side.

Finally before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity. I wished  her a good weekend and we went off to my house at the  apartment. Reyes came with me to do my coverage.

After the gym I had a snack.. and went to bed: a healthy piadina.

I like the gym very much were I can find a lot of people I am relating to.. or it is just my  imagination as they are all nice to me. It is my PT therapy as at the Enrichment Center I am  doing only Yoga with Amy on Wednesday pm. I normally make sure that I am bringing always a letters for her two daughters: Madison and Olivia.
Amy is a very good person: the other day she mentioned that she is a bit of a mud: Indian, European and Mexican. 

Certainly at the gym there are all nice people that do not smoke, unlike at CNS as here there  are many smokers around.

I am accepting the fact of being at CNS for  several more years as after four years why should I leave it the place I call home? 
To go where or to do what exactly..  There are a few weirdos around,, but hey the world belong to the few..

Today is a beautiful warm day in Bakersfield at my home..Because it is obvious to me will not be  leaving  anyplace  else but at CNS..

Despite the fact I will be going to my family house for this weekend and everybody will be nice to me, afterward I will be back to CNS... So that my family can go on with their activities and I will be again forgotten for another months at CNS.. 

Enjoy this picture.. 

I got used to it, after four years I consider the apartment 321 my real home.
I was leaving elsewhere once,, but that was many many years ago.. Long before things started to go down the drain for everybody, particularly for me. My former boss mentioned that works sucks 90% of the time. He clearly has a point but hey 10% of time being good.. isn't' that bad either.
Wouldn't you invest your money with a 10% return on the investment? 

I let you do the math.. and to reach a conclusion.

Anyway goofing with James: 

Yesterday I sent my CR summary sheet to Erica-sama my CR therapist.
She appreciated it and she sent me in return a set of pictures of her daughter Sunn. She had a black eye. It happens when you have little children in the house.

Enjoy the reading.. if you can enjoy the fact that I am.. where I am, among the ones you know I am among with.. 

Have a great Day CNS.


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